Where you holding?
So..whats news with the jews? its been a busy week as usual, some crazy things and some crises, BH its friday and tonight is Shabbat Kodesh! I was reading this Dvar Torah that was saying that when the elders of Midyan and Moav came to speak to Bilam about cursing Klal Yisrael, yet it seems that soon after Midyan is gone from the story. what happened? it seems that Bilam told the messengers to stay the night so he cud check with G-d to see what He was saying and then he'd get back to them, the next morning teh midyanim left. why? bcz they realized "is there a father that despises his son?" so they left, knowing that it was not a good plan. But why? why did they have to wait till they got to Bilam to realize this, didn't they know this already? the answer is quite a simple one. when we are caught up in the moment, when its all exciting and busy you don't have time to think, you act with your emotions not your intellect. when we take the time to breathe, to refle...