Holy and Separate
" He can tell you where to dig and what to dig for but the digging you must do for yourself " I always loved this line from Matisyahu's song We spend a lot of our lives lost not sure where we are going what we are doing..well I can only talk for myself..I am often unsure about my path my direction my life. Where am I going what am i doing..why am I here..how can I possibly contribute to the world...how can I make a difference? I often think about the concept of Kedusha..what is it? Is it possible for me in 2013 living in a world that gets cruder, crasser, and more delinquent with every passing moment...with all that is Kedusha even on my radar? Is it even possible? The word Kedusha in itself is a bit of a contradiction. The literal translation of the word means to separate. Yet under the chupa the chatan says to his Kalla " את מקודשת לי״ you are " kadosh" to me - you are separate to me. The moment of ultimate connection is delineated by separation. Through ...