Now what?
It has truly been a whirl wind of holidays..flying back and forth NY-Home, Home- NY... There is generally a feeling of exhaustion, and just plain heaviness at the end of the three day yom tov. The feeling of a shower after three there anything sweeter? For me, I was expecting all those feelings. I was expecting feeling stuffed, of being tired despite all the sleeping, I was expecting to feel a little despondent from not being with my family. But come motzai Shabbat the one overwhelming emotion I had was elation. I was spiritually energized, I was.. MitChazek.. things were clear that were once murky I knew where I stood. I was ready to face the world again. Its ironic, for on the surface I had the least "Spiritual" holiday. I never once went to shul. I wasn't with my family. I stayed by myself and ate each of the 7 meals by a different family. I spent a lot of time on the couch curled up with a book and food. Lots of food. I learned a little about ...