
Showing posts from March, 2015

Remove Your Mask!

Mishenichnat Adar Marbim Besimcha.. as we enter the month of Adar we are supposed to increase our Simcha..and as we approach Purim the joy should be contagious, palpable in the air..unless you don't have any kids in school and do not work in a Jewish environment. I have been working in the ER for the past few weeks so the purim spirit has not been pervading theme. The one thing that I do keep hearing about are these amazing, fantastic purim bashes happening all over the city. OPEN BAR! DELICIOUS FOOD they boast. Purim is one of those holidays when it is so easy to get lost in the details and forget what the day is actually about. We forget that purim is the holiest day of the year. We forget that it was on Purim that the Jews reaffirmed their acceptance of the Torah- this time without the threat of a mountain hovering over their heads were they to refuse. We forget that the prayers with tears on this day have more power than on Yom Kippur. I see all these parties and I ...