chanuka, shabbat adn everything in betweeen its been a while since i posted last week..well i had just finished my the night before lets just say my brain was ive had time this week to recuperate! winter vacation is finally here..nothing more exciting! and even went a few days without coffee cuz i actually slept which was tres cool! so whats teh story of the week? whats my point i wanna bring out? well heres something since i didnt have any gsu stories or parking stories..whats next on the list ..gym stories thats right..

so i usually time myself pretty well in the mornings to get the vacumming done as well as cleaning the mats that i had to do today cuz i really wasnt in teh mood monday morn to do...first thing that happened this morning is that teh shtus box wasnt working..the cable was messed up or someone messed with the fancy delancy remote which looks liek it shud control a space ship (someoen being me cuz a member wanted to change the channel and cudnt) adn somehow the whole thing turned im spending all this time messing with that and then when it was the magical time to do my cinderalla duties..i go up to the aroebics floor and one of the trainers is up there setting up for a im waiting for her to finish so i cud do my duties adn tehn still messing with the i decide for a change of scenery so i head to the vacumme needing area..i proceed to heres something that ive always ment to comment on but never had the chance..when i plug the vacuume in rarely does it start on teh first try..i have to jiggle the plug moving it up and around and this morn at first it worked at teh first try but then twice malfunctioned and i had to go back and raise the cord..and then finally the el;ectricity started flowing well and strong ( u know where im going with this right?) anyways...
story continued i finally finish teh floor and im abt to go back to fiddle with teh shtus box ( the whole time im thinking..better it shud be off but whatves..its not my house) and then i think that mayeb its better to go do the yoga mats before yoga startes..( good idea right?) so as im scurrying to get this done i check my watch and i see iin horror that the classs starts in fifteen minuts the heats not one yet and not one mat i rush get the heat on start pulling out teh mats and clean teh fastest ive ever done ..i didnt have time to do the last two or something but i re-rolled them cuz some peeps are so messy seriosly how hard is it to roll up a mat when ur done!!!!!????? but i get down five minuts before teh class and i have to be here at teh front desk before peeps come in so if someone has to pay i can take their money ad stuff..anyways yoga starts ( btw i finished my yoga boot camp) and i start fiddling with the shtus box adn then finally bh ( can i say bh abt this?) the tv starts working! i dont know if its right but im sitting here whats the lesson?

well the first lesson i thought of as i was thinking abt this mornin was " expect teh unexpecetd" and i think this applies in many forums...especially in terms of ruchniyut...we live in a dangerous sociuety teh threat of yavan is as prevalent as it was then and maybe even more and we have to be ready..we cant just sit back and wait for it to happen and then start thinking..maybe in face of this crisis we shud do xyz...we need to take teh offensive and think that maybe i spoke abt this before but its really important..we need to be prepared for battle in every sense..yaackov prepared with his fight with eisav in three ways; tefila, war, adn presents and we all know that this is syboplic of our fight with teh yetzer hara/society/yavan on so many levels adn we know that we cant just take what they give us without a fight..we need to be prepared..we dont wait till chanuka to learn teh halachos, we prepare..we look things up before a test we dont just wait for the test to come then start fiddling thru our notes..we cant use our notes on a test there isnt too our lives are one big test we are connstantlt being challenged whether its in teh workplace, college, friends, home there is always someone something challenging us and we have to be prepared

one of the biggest examples of this is hilchos shabbat, if one does not intensly study the halachot and constantly review them then its impossible to keep shabbat fully adn hence not tap into the ultimate kedusha that is shabbat, shabbat is the source of all bracha and kedusha for the week..especially this shabbat which is zot chanuka there is an infinite spring of kedusha present and we have to tap into it..but we cannot do that if we're not keeping the halachos properly, if we spend teh day sleeping/reading..whatver if we had any idea the true leveles that we cud atain on shabbat we wudnt let oursleves sleeo wed be too busy learning..staring at teh candles absorbing teh kedusha to teh fullest extent

anyways i digress and i apologize..another thing abt expect the unexpected...dont push things off to teh last minute..its happened so many times that ill check the clock..oh another half an hr till mincha and then at that moment or rather fifteen minutes before shkiya there is a knock at the door and in comes someone who u need to sit with, talk to and before u know it theres goes mincha..ill say it later ill do it soon there is plenty of time but then ull never know what roadblocks teh satan puts up for us..we cant see into the future it looks like the upcoming time looks clear of anything that will stop u from doing what u wnat to do..but then outta no where there is a storm and a tree falls and blocks traffic for miles..this week actually a tree fell on the mainstreet that i take to work in the mornings and blocked all it wasnt a morning i was working cuz i dont schedule for that kidna thing as u know..i give myself the three mins i need adn thats what i wudve done..i dont knwo but bh i was think ing that i wasnt working taht morning..we need to plan for the future we cant let life happen to us we have to take it by the reigns and make our lives what we want it to be

and that brings me to my last point of the cord..sometimes teh electricity..teh ruchniyut..just isnt flowing teh way we want it too , things arent going as planned so we have to jiggle with the source..not really teh source cuz the outlet doesnt move..its the connecter the plug that has to be shifted the actual cord that has to be raised to allow teh flow to through smoothly..we have the amazing flow of spirituality its written (zohar i think) that during chanuka the ohr haganuz comes down to this world and u dont get more spiritually charged that taht plus couple that with shabbat and teh rosh chodesh which was yesteray and your talking abt serious energy..but maybe just maybe teh connecter isnt right..maybe were not on the level to tap into it..we need to raise the cord (ie. our standards, our own level) adn then there is nothing that will stop the crazy spiritual energy from flowing straight from the source right into our neshamos! and then nothin can stop us well just keep going and going and going ( imagine the energizer bunny) and its up to us to keep it flowing every shabbat..

the light that we get from the neiros..ur supposed to look at teh candles during kiddush friday night and the light from the candles gives u the the eyesight for the week..wht ue not gonna be able to see if u dont look at the candles? no..its that the candles help us see see with our neshamos to have the proper outlook the proper view of the world as we see it, to see the world as teh chosen people to see the world as G-ds childre, His servants, as the bochrim that we are..we choose how we see the world, we dont choose what were given only what we do with that..and thats up to us and if like the cord the first choice doenst work..maybe we need to jiggle a bit..shift things around and see where we end up and maube just maybe the electricty will flow just right and well light up and just keep going adn going and going!
have a holy and happy chanuka and shabbat!


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