
Showing posts from April, 2013

I never thought id do this

What a month its been. More precisely..what a week it has been! I have been put into the most difficult situations of my life. Had to make hard decisions, had to face things i hoped i never had to, the stuff of nightmares. But the worst of it all was the moment I turned into a hypocrite. I did the one thing i swore I'd never do. A few years ago I got hurt and that is the understatement of the century. A close friend of mine, one who i spoke to all day everyday, one who knew all my secrets, the one i confided to, who i turned to when everything was falling apart...this close friend of mine just one day up and disappeared. She just fell off the radar, did not call, did not answer my calls or texts. Just flat out disappeared. Three days later she texts me that she is sorry, but the relationship was too intense for her and that she cannot do this anymore. She wants us to still be friends, but we have to cool it, whatever the heck that meant. I remem...