doing the right thing is so hard!
so its almost lag ba'omer which is exciting for those who keep first half as for the rest of you who keep second sorry but the end is almost near anyway shavuot is around the corner..and now that i have had slightly more sleep than last week this time (Slightly being the operative word) i decided that i reall shud make this one a good one ... we all have moments in life when we have to make a decision that we dont want to make but we know that we have to..and we know that the final outcome is going to be something that we dont like and even highly loathe but at the end of the day we know that its the right thing to in the middle of catching up with a close friend -its 3 am i have to wake up at 7 to go to work/school/ take a u know that u must go to sleep now! and that in order for you to be even semi-functioning tomorrow u need to get some rem cycles in asap..but somehow you cant tear yourself away from the phone cuz u feel that this is important t...