a private people
There are eyes watching you. When you get off the bus, when you open the door to the store, as your checking out of the grocery store and library. When you leave your hotel room in the morning and ask for room service, there are eyes watching you. They are monitoring your behavior for one simple reason,you are a Jew. Hashem is watching for we are His children and He cares what happens to us, so He is always watching..and that is something we have to keep in mind as well with elul coming up. but that's a different point. The world is watching us, because they want to know exactly how do the King's chosen people behave. This week was a hard one at work. Not because of the extensive hours sitting in front of a computer screen, or because of difficult patients. it was difficult there was a blatant chilul Hashem, our office manager left with not so friendly feelings towards Jews though she previously had..and i was sitting there watch the whole scenario unfold before me and ther...