
Showing posts from February, 2012

Our Mission Statement


The Great Chasm

"A very tough choice is coming your way today, and you might not quite know how to handle it -- should you go with your gut in a snap decision, or research all the angles and deliberate for days? The stars say that if you get your ego out of the equation, you will be able to make this important decision easily. You are a work in progress, and sometimes you don't know what's best for you. That's why forgetting 'what's in it for you' is a smart way to go every now and again." Its funny.  I like to check my horoscope. Its interesting to see what they have to say. These people that sit around and make up these nice sounding epithets. I always read these things with a sense of amusement. Sometimes coincidentally it may relate to my life at the moment and others its soo way off its laugh out loud-able.  There are people who really set their lives according to their horoscope. They call their psychics religiously paying them hundred of dollars a co