
Showing posts from March, 2014

....nothing too original

another week come and gone, time passing like the wind, so fast and as much as you would like to, you cant seem to grab a hold of it. A few of my friends recently turned 26, and i am not far behind. Its an interesting position to be in. Being a quarter of a century old. I remember being 19-20 talking about those girls..those older singles..the 24-25 years old. Now that's me. The statistics on the ever tragic shidduch crisis is that 10% of girls don't get married. Yet, somehow everyone thinks that it wont be her. G-d forbid they should even entertain the idea. But you know what, it is possible, and its not all that crazy that I or someone I know never gets married. We all know that woman in our own community, shes bright, beautiful, interesting and yet shes 45 and not married. Its too easy to say that she is being picky and that at this point its her own fault. But you know what, I don't even know how the time passed, how is it that this is my third year living in NY? ...

Changing it up

So life has been a little crazy as if late. School is stress that just won't go gives me precious little time to post. It's not like I don't have inspirational thoughts just don't have the time to flesh them out into full blown posts so for now..I'm gonna test something out...something I've held out on for a long time..I decided to switch it up and see if using twitter would work better. So if you feel inclined you can follow me at @aminspiration1. I'm still figuring the whole twitter thing out.. ( I know I sound so old) Hope to see you there