its been a while..not sure if anyone reads anymore..but write i will if only for myself. its gotten to the point where people just look and me and they pity me. I am almost 26, not married with no prospects in sight and I have been told that people think im not serious, my resume is all wrong, i dress wrong, i dont meet enough people, hmm what other reasons can we come up with.. i dont meet enough shadchanim, my hair is too short, its too long, im too frum , im not frum enough, the boys are picky, i'm picky im too smart i intimidate im asking for too much my biological clock is ticking .... the list goes on and on and on bemoaning the many reasons of my single hood..yet the one factor that no one seems to look at is that this is the one thing in my life that i really have very little control over. I have told people over and over and over again. I refuse to pretend to be someone I am not. No one wins in that situation. No one comes out on top. Yes, i may be m...