Whats a girl to do?
So..I dont know aboiut you guys but this week has been insane for me..I was studyin 24/7 adn when i wasnt i was feeling guilty and the same goes for the enxt week and a day till my semester is finally over and i can take a break from that G-d forsaken place AKA gSU campus. so as i sit here with my chemistry notes in front of me and i tell myself that eventually I will get through this...im stalling for time cuz Im tryin to figure out what im talking about. this week is parshas tazria metzorah and we all know the basics "dont speak Lashon hara its a terrible thing to do instead make people happy and love every single jew(or married as the case may be as we get older)" we all know the songs we know the basic mussar shmuess dont speak badly abt people Hashem doesnt like it, no one likes it, you may feel good saying it that insant cuz you feel like there is nothing you'd rather say but the second later when it hits you, your shocked - what- how'd that happen- how'di l...