you ready for life?

Welcome back to real life, i was so excited i couldnt sleep last night. seriously though i really didnt sleep i kept checking the clock being like..i have 2 more hours, one more hour..we've all done it..we've all gone through it and then when it was finally time to wake up...its so cold once i got out i jumped back under the covers..then finally i got up got dressed made myself a cup of coffee for the first time from before pesach and got going and here i am..where i sit every friday wondering what in heavens name im gonna type about this week hoping that my pre-post rambling will make that light bulb go off in my head...

we are all home least most of us i think werever home may be and we are all juggling a thousand things at a time,whether you have a bouncing baby boy..three thousand words to write by monday...20 guests to feed friday night after pesach...or that last clep that you just cannot get out of the seems like the list never ends, pesach is over and shbbat is right around the corner..for me the semester is over in a week and a half and ijust missed a week of school thats a lot of catching i have a quiz on material that was taught this week which i obviously didnt go downtown im stuck teaching myself. and i feel like we are often in situations when we are stuck teaching ourselves. wether its a CLEP,making shabbat for the first time or even doing laundry for the first time in every stage in life situations arise that demand of us to step up to the plate and take responsibility - its up to get it done and if we dont know how..well you better learn fast cuz its comin and its comin fast.

in college its that dreaded textbook that haunts your dreams,but in life its waay harder than that. there is no textbook for life. there is no book that tells you everything that is coming youir way and how to deal with it. wait..teh Torah seems to be a pretty comprehensive compilation of everything teh world seems to offer and how to deal with it. now granted the average mother isnt gonna find the miracle answer to a colicky child by flipping through the pages of a chumash...but it seems that today we have books on everything...and i mean everything. from kabbala for dummies to how to turn a chair into a laundry basket..the information is out do we tap into it and how do we internalize it before we are face to face with whatever challenge it may be and we are choked with fear cuz " i dont know what to do!"

well, it was the day before pesach and we had a huge storm here, the power went out, all the street lights were out, and it was gross outside - a tree branch fell on my window shield and scared the living daylights out of me! i went home and thank G-d my phone was charged, my laptop was fully charged and my ipod was set to go and yall know that as long as i got those three with me i can face anything and that i did i sat and studied all day

so obviouslu if we wanted to be prepared for everything in life we would have to spend all day everyday reading even then..still there is more. so we have to pick. if we know that is something coming up that is going to be especially challenging. pick your up your cannot go in empty handed but as long as you are charged with those three ideas, that one book, those few speeches that you really will listen to. what ever it takes to get you through the day whole and happy. you know who you are, you know whats comin up in your start builidng, start looking, start reading and maybe when that tree branch comes crashing down on yoiu you'll be prepared enough to move to the side or karate chop it into smithereens whatever style.


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