My plane broke!

Man alive do i have a story for you!
So i was supposed to go to isreal wednesday, i was flying direct and i was all excited that i was gonna have a normal flight. i had no problems with security i get on the plane i sit in my seat, get my book out. everyone is filing in. they do the whole security thing, turn off the lights we all settle in, i even turn off my beloved ipod. all of sudden they turn the lights back on, and they aer telling us that the plane is BROKEN! and that they haev to do sheet metal repair. so they give us an option to get off the plane and go through security again or we can stay on the plane and in an hour the well just move us to the next plain. now with my previous experience do yoiu thinki i believd them? uhuhuhuh! so i get off settle down with my book and get comfirtable . i call my parets to tell them what teh story was. so my father tell me to ask if i can change my flight to sun night cuz we had a seuda last night at my house and i was gonna miss it. so i changed my flight, but sun flight was packed so i changed my flight to mon night. and as i was changing my flight a lady shows up at the desk , her connection fliht was three hrs late adn she didnt have a seat so cuz i got off she got my seat! yay!

so first of all its so typical that i had to laugh but then i thought how amazing it was that everytime i fly something isnane like that always without fail happens to me. so what lesson did i learn?
first of all, how often does the plane break? i mean seriouslyso they told us taht we have two options. we can stay adn wait in the "sterile area" or once we got off we would have to got through the entire security system over again. now when i was getting off the plane, the woman who worked at the desk was shaking her head i dont know why yall getting off u shouldve stayed on! but everyone was getting off that plane i knew better than when they say 1230 it dont really mean 1230. but sometimes we are in positions when we have the option of waiting it out, either a friend who has gotten into a baad place or a class that seems to be impossible adsn we wanna drop it. but if we get off, if we abandon that friend in her time of need or yo drop the classs then yoiu have to start over, from the begining.yoiu have to start from the begining with the friend you haev to build yoiur trust overand we all know that you can lose trust in secionds but to gain it back that can take months, years even an entire lifetime.

this is partially true with out relationship with Hashem. if we chose to walk away from something, im not chas v'shalom talking abt leaving alltogether. but if there is one thing taht u decide taht u just dont wanna do anymore, yoiu dont have the patinece, " i have too much on my plate right now" we all know the exvcuses we make for ourselves.we cannot just prance back and say im here lets pick up where we left off. it doesnt work like that, we have to do teshuva we have to "earn Hashem;s trust" again. and this is not an easy or simple process. last week the parsha mentions the mitzva of "vahavta lerayach kamocha" there are hundreds of explanations to this phrase but in mny Rav;s drasha he brought a rashi that i had nevr heard before, the rashi said that this phrase- "lryacha" this refers to Hashme. the way yoiu sould want to be treated the way you would treat yoiur friends then you owe at least that same courtesy to Hashem. when youi are having a heart to heart convo at 2am with yoiur friend and you all of a sudden space at and start thinking abt what yoiu are going to wear tom..your friend is not gonna so much appreciate taht, same goes when yoiu are davening and your brain starts going in a million directions thats just a lack of kavod. this can go on forever!

but seriously the hashgacha pratis stories taht have happened since ive been home, not normal. my friend was goung through sometihng really serious and i was a good thing that i was in the same country and my other friend just got enaged so i got to spend some more time with her and another friend has been doiung work nonstop pulling all nighters and i was here to enetertain her as she kept goin and goin and goin

thurday i was in a real funk, i didnt really leave my room cuz it hit me that i wasnt in israel and taht i wasnt gonna be there till tues and i just wasnt in the best mood. but then later i was thining and i didnt regret it. it made my parents so happy that i had stayed and i was so glad taht i could make them so happy and me regretting staying wouldve meant that i regretted doin it and just like when we regret doing averos and do teshiuva its as if it never happend well same goes with mitzvos if you regret doing it then its as if you never did it and we can all use all the mitzvos we can get our hands on. so even after you do something nice for someone and then it doesnt turn out the way yoiu wanted it too never ever regret it cuz then you just lost the mitzva
so live a life you dont wanna regret and you'll be amazed at how far that philosophy will take you!


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