
Showing posts from December, 2009

what to give..what to give..

K people..i need to get into friday mode and fast..its actually wednesday morning adn im at teh gym posting really early cuz friday i will not be working and will be traveling so ive got my posting music..woke up at five so this shud work.. so i dont know if yall have noticed the sudden obsessin with green and red, the lights the bells ringing at all teh stores..anyways we are definatly feeling the holiday spirit and its teh best that we get off for them..anyways it is the custom to give each other presents at this time of year and being that it is the south meaning people are religious folk here as well as very nice everyone is giving eachother gifts, giving the instrutors gifts, their personal trainers, the owner of the normally this wudnt be a big deal or reason for always i haver reason to conmment...they bring in platters of dessrts..candies..not stuff that u wud think one wud give a fitness instructor of any sorts..but thats the striking news of the day...

chanuka, shabbat adn everything in betweeen its been a while since i posted last week..well i had just finished my the night before lets just say my brain was ive had time this week to recuperate! winter vacation is finally here..nothing more exciting! and even went a few days without coffee cuz i actually slept which was tres cool! so whats teh story of the week? whats my point i wanna bring out? well heres something since i didnt have any gsu stories or parking stories..whats next on the list ..gym stories thats right.. so i usually time myself pretty well in the mornings to get the vacumming done as well as cleaning the mats that i had to do today cuz i really wasnt in teh mood monday morn to do...first thing that happened this morning is that teh shtus box wasnt working..the cable was messed up or someone messed with the fancy delancy remote which looks liek it shud control a space ship (someoen being me cuz a member wanted to change the channel and cudnt) adn somehow the whole thing turned of...

a light onto the nations

K guys i really did have something that i wanted to talk about this week.. i even was thiking about it before friday..but of course now that im sitting here..i cant for the life of me remember what it was..well first of all i wud like to make an announcement..chem lab is OVER! thats right children i have checked out of lab 3100 more late nights  for now anyway..omh im freezing..k now im just talking nonsense..k now i remember what i was thinking..well one of the thiings i was thinking this morning i was driving to work..and somehow the time difference between my car and the house is liek three minutes now this may not seem like a big deal not a huge amount of time but when i leave exactly with enuf time to get here it makes a i put my music in...hit the pedal to the metal and im off zooming down the street . as im approaching the light i notice that bh there are no annoying cars at teh light wanting to make a left turn (in atl u can make a right on a red) so...