what to give..what to give..

K people..i need to get into friday mode and fast..its actually wednesday morning adn im at teh gym posting really early cuz friday i will not be working and will be traveling so ive got my posting music..woke up at five so this shud work..

so i dont know if yall have noticed the sudden obsessin with green and red, the lights the bells ringing at all teh stores..anyways we are definatly feeling the holiday spirit and its teh best that we get off for them..anyways it is the custom to give each other presents at this time of year and being that it is the south meaning people are religious folk here as well as very nice everyone is giving eachother gifts, giving the instrutors gifts, their personal trainers, the owner of the gym...so normally this wudnt be a big deal or reason for comment...yet..as always i haver reason to conmment...they bring in platters of dessrts..candies..not stuff that u wud think one wud give a fitness instructor of any sorts..but thats the striking news of the day...so mah lilmod me'zeh..

so when people think about gym instructors we immdeitntly conjure up this image of an amazingly fit person, bulging muscles crazy skinny runs like teh wind and vegtables..maybe som tofu organic granola..the eptome of health..yet..yet..they have weaknesses too they also like to binge around the holidays and tho they try to do so healthily? ( low fat cream?) i dont know whole wheat rolls..whatever it is they like to njoy themselevs as well...and its not so odd that these old ladies bring in these yum looking desserts ,,bcz its human nature to want to give peopel what we wud like to get..we give others what we like cuz to us tahst teh best think out ther and to people w care for we want to give the best...so we give them our faverite thinking that they will njoy it and if u and ur friend are very similar then perfect..it works out nicely..

howevr too many times we see that is not teh case...we are all unique people and this is something that i am very fond of mentioning..we all have our own backrounds our own families our own constructs and as much as we all believe in teh same torah system..we all have our own specific hashkofot about the way the world shud be , how we see the world..and our opnoins are based on a myriad of things from family background, role in fam, which number child in the fam, seminary, copmmunity, age, so many things..and all these are different for every single person everyone has a different package so then no one no matter how similar they are is exactly teh same as u..which brings me to the point..they are not gonna like the same things u do

and this is something ive been meaning to talk about for a while...when considering our relationships and the give and take taht comes with them...we know easily what it si that we want to take..cuz we know in our hearts what is is that we need from a certain relationship but theres more than that we have to know what we have to give..and our basic instinct is to give that which we wanna get..cuz to our minds tahts how it works tahst whats nice, tahts what's loved thats what is desired..howwver we haev to remember that the other person...the one u want to give to...doesnt nessiarly want what u want to give..u have to know what it is that they want what it is that they need...and then ur being the friend u need to be..the sister..daughter..wife..whatver it may be whatevr relationship u find urself...

and with anything this lesson can be applied to the spiritualk realm as well...sometimes the things we have to do as orhodox jews seems lets say a bit nonsesical? like does G-d really care if ...( fill in the blank) we've all heard that line repeatedly but truelly its not what we think He wants..He tells us straight out what it is that will make Him the " happiest" with people sometimes u have to guess cuz they dont tell u straight out but DAD HE tells us what it is that we are expected to do and as loving partners in this relationship we want to make the other party "happy" so we do the "nonsesical" things that are required of us bcz we love Hashem and want to give Him what He wants..and thast the highest level of giving..the best time of present shopping giving a person what it is that they need what is that tehy want...so lets be the best daughters we can be!


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