
Showing posts from April, 2011

The honeymoon

It can't last forever. The honeymoon is a magical time. the chatan and kalla are still in that infatuated stage. Nothing can ruin their happiness. They are together and no one will begrudge them any level of mushiness and PDAs that would be considered inappropriate any other time or circumstance. After Sheva Brachot, they have the transition time of Shana Rishona. But eventually the magic comes to a screeching halt when they both have to get up and go to work early in the morning. At the end of a long day, they both sit down to dinner, exhausted and drained. They still love each other. He just does not have the strength or energy to wow her with his divrei Torah and neither does she have the time to cook elaborate five course meals.  They lie in bed, not yet falling asleep. They think to themselves, what have we become? We used to sit for hours talking and laughing. We used to go out for hours every night always thinking of new things to discover and do. ...

What We All Want

i want you to want me i need you to need me i'd love you to love me i'm beggin' you to beg me We all need it. We all want it. Everyone at some level, in some way needs to be needed. His existence needs to be validated. We all want to know that we mean something to somebody. Its very nice that I a go to work, school etc. But does anybody Need me? Will anyone care if i drop dead tomorrow?  We often evaluate our relationships. Some are easier than others. Some require more effort. The ones that need you to go the extra mile to make it work often make us stop and think, is it worth it? Do i need this person? Would this person care if I never answered another phone call. If i never called again? Does he need me?  Aish has an article  now about releasing yourself from abusive relationships. After all the theme of Pesach is freedom. Salvation. Exodus. Freedom from galut, from our Yetzer Hara, from ourselves perhaps.  Yes, we need others to validate us. But ...


Repost from this time last year..i missed the shiur this year.. so enjoy! so apparently i have to write a double one this week or maybe triple cuz the next two weeks are kind of not typing available if yoiu know what i mean. so this week is erev pesach we are all running likae chickens without a head, everything is insane and we're not so sure which way is up or down, its nice to have a break ie. shabbat. and i just wanted to share with you a shiur that i heard from a highschool teacher of mine ( im part of a moreshes aviva group if anybody has heard of it) anyway, erev pesach is also the coming of a once in 28 ( i think) years event- bircas hachama. this is not a normal phenomena and we have the opportunity this year to be part of this extraordinary mitzva- in this moreshes aviva group that was started in zchus of a girl aviva who was in sem the year before us, got a little sick went home for pesach adn then like two weeks later, her neshama had goneback to its Creator. her ...

Keep Your Enemies Close

Rosh Chodesh Nissan, The month of freedom. The month of miracles. We started out the month with a bang. A tornado blew through town wreaking havoc in its path. I got to work. The power was out. Not much we can do without electricity. So we just sat there. I have been a bit MIA in the blogging world recently. There is a good explanation for that. I have mono. Every time I started to write something my eyes would start to close. The computer would then too close and bed I embraced. Suffice it to say that I have not been the greatest help around the house when it comes to Pesach cleaning, or much anything else. Going to bed at ten does not really give you much time to do anything. The truth is that I only recently have been diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis.  I have been feeling down and exhausted for a long time. and I felt horrible that I was decapitated and I was bed bound all the time. I started doubting myself. The Yetzer Hara was on my back in a ver...