
Repost from this time last year..i missed the shiur this year.. so enjoy!

so apparently i have to write a double one this week or maybe triple cuz the next two weeks are kind of not typing available if yoiu know what i mean.
so this week is erev pesach we are all running likae chickens without a head, everything is insane and we're not so sure which way is up or down, its nice to have a break ie. shabbat. and i just wanted to share with you a shiur that i heard from a highschool teacher of mine ( im part of a moreshes aviva group if anybody has heard of it)

anyway, erev pesach is also the coming of a once in 28 ( i think) years event- bircas hachama. this is not a normal phenomena and we have the opportunity this year to be part of this extraordinary mitzva- in this moreshes aviva group that was started in zchus of a girl aviva who was in sem the year before us, got a little sick went home for pesach adn then like two weeks later, her neshama had goneback to its Creator. her parents started this orginization and they put out a calender and every month has a midda to work on, something to think about, nissan was keeping your cool, being relaxed in a stressful situtaion im sure we can think of at least 5 in the past day or two..but my teacher looked at it in a differnt way and i think its quite powerful.

we all know the medrash of the moon and the sun, they were originally the same size the moon said it cant be that two rulers share the same crown and he was then minimized and given the stars as sort of consolation prize. yea yea we all know it backwards and forwards but this is a new twist that i never heard before, the moon was not complaining he was not in the wrong, he was right he was saying that it cannot be that we have the same tafkid, it cannot be that we are destined to do the same thing. we all know that the moon does not do the job of the sun, the sun does not raise and lower the tide the moon does not stop us from freezing to death. they have completely different functions. the moon was displaying a mida that we can never have enough of!

vatruness- being mevater. he knew that there cannot be two head honchos, he knew that if he spoke he probably would be the one lowered but that doesnt matter, he was willing to step aside, wiling to have teh modesty to be the one doing the backstage work while the main actress gets teh flowers and all the attention. and so he gets the stars, what are the stars? read well this is powerful, the stars are compared to the Ohr Haganuz! since the moon was willing to have the mida of vatruness and give up his glory he was zoche to the ohr haganuz.

vatruness is not a mida that we flaunt. in order to really be mevater only you and Hashem know about it, this is real tznius. Rabbi Refson says that tnius is the willingness to go unnoticed. and this doesn't mean only in clothing. it applies to every part of life. from getting credit for cleaning in the house, to the person who really ran production behind the scenes. only you and the Ribbono Shel Olam know the truth and you are the only ones who ever have to know.

it says in tehilim i cant recall exactly where that the stars represent our tzaros and right after it says that Hashem calls each one my name, now class what does name represent- that's right- mehus, tachlis, its essence is its name. Hashem counts every single one of the tzaros that we have by name, they all have a purpose, every single one

when you stub your toe, when yoy pull out 10 agurot stead of 50 (trying for a neutral currency) when your comp crashes two minutes before you have to turn in your assignment-we've all been there. but HAshem recognizes them all as signifiacnt they all have purpose adn when we pass that tzara, when we pass that nisayon we are merited with the Ohr Haganuz! this is what keeps us strong, we are not suffering in vain!

we digress to the sota lady, she is bringing a karban and she is not allowed to put levonah on the karban(or shemen for that matter but thats not the point) why? says rashi cuz she was not like the imahos (who knows 4) shaychus? levona-levana-moon-vatruness-tznius-imahos! how cool is that? when moshe is by the well and he lifts the rock and his future wife goes home to his shviger(yisro) yisro says "ayo" where is he how did you let a guy like that with such vatruness get away dont you knwo there is a shidduch crises! (k the end was a joke) when the malachim come to avraham they say "aya sarah eshtecha" same lashon, sara was not out and about she didnt need the limelight, she did what she was supposed to do and thasts all she needed, so too moshe, he did hang around for the credit, he saw a need and he filled it the end, no ps.

so heres where it wraps up. when we live our lives (hopefully) we go through many situations. sometimes we get attention for our good deeds and thats fine we all need that attention and sometimes we just dont get the credit, and it has to be fine, cuz its those moments when we get a standing ovation in shamayim. thats when upstairs they are pumping our hand and slapping us on the back. thats when we are the real hero.

back to the very begining( a very good place to start") the mida of chilling, being calm in a stressing situation. this can mean the idea of the obvious or class now you chime in or nod your head- vatruness. givin in to G-d's plan, realizing that as much as we'd like we just aint in charge. we try , we pretend, but pesach more than anything shows that try as we might and as much as we deny it. its the truth and deep down we know it and its liberating, its a weight off your shoulders when you know that in the end its not you but G-d who decides the outcome. so in the big things in life i think we have all come to the point in which we realize this. when it was sem acceptances we all said , where Hashem wants me to go thats where ill get it, when something insane like 9/11, or katrina happens we recognize that we are not in control or in the case of the birds flying into the plane engine, we see that seriously who are we kidding, but its not just the big things its the small things that irritate us so, like parking on the sixth floor (which i do regularly now btw) or losing that earring, or getting to the store and they are totally out of the crackers you wanted or flavor of ice cream, yoy get the point. not only to we have to be mevater with out friends and family but we have to be mevater with the One Above. we pray everyday for food for parnassa for daas, for what ever it is but how often do we really think that its G-d deciding whether i get the top i want or not, is this shopping trip going to be successful? we blame it on the stores, the mall, the economy its too expensive, yea but who controls all that? once we figure that out, we are zoche to the Ohr Haganuz!


  1. Sorry I never commented but this is a REALLY good post!

    I love the way you wrote it - I felt like I was sitting in class listening to a teacher give it over!


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