Life is natural. Actually to be more correct death is natural. Every minute live is another minute we are dying. Every breathe takes us further from our birth and closer to our death. It's not morbid. It's true. I was just sitting on the train. Nature is always going towards chaos. Towards degradation. We spend all our lives fighting nature. We fly. We drive. We take medicine. We exercise. All these things are not natural. It's not natural for a human being to get an infection. It's natural course should lead to death. It's not natural for a person to survive cancer. Radiating our bodies isn't natural. Drawing blood, sticking in needles filled with all sorts of things isn't natural. But we do it to keep ourselves alive. We fight nature everyday! We make millions of choices that defy nature. So then why is it that people use the term "natural" as a positive. Why do we rush to use natural products? In a lot of places, people die because they drink th...