
Showing posts from October, 2011


Life is natural. Actually to be more correct death is natural. Every minute live is another minute we are dying. Every breathe takes us further from our birth and closer to our death. It's not morbid. It's true. I was just sitting on the train. Nature is always going towards chaos. Towards degradation. We spend all our lives fighting nature. We fly. We drive. We take medicine. We exercise. All these things are not natural. It's not natural for a human being to get an infection. It's natural course should lead to death. It's not natural for a person to survive cancer. Radiating our bodies isn't natural. Drawing blood, sticking in needles filled with all sorts of things isn't natural. But we do it to keep ourselves alive. We fight nature everyday! We make millions of choices that defy nature. So then why is it that people use the term "natural" as a positive. Why do we rush to use natural products? In a lot of places, people die because they drink th...


Anonymous What does that mean? Most of us out here in the blogosphere are anonymous and we cherish that anonymity. It allows us to express ourselves in a forum without fear of being judged or criticized. But at the same time we have all developed personas. We like to think we " know" each other. After all blogs can get personal at times. We learn about each others struggles, our fears, our pains. We learn about senses of humor and interests. But how different are our real identities and our real lives different? We all have the anonymous bit of ourselves that we keep under wraps. We have a persona that we choose to display to the world. We take on a personality and go with it. We are loathe to step beyond the boundaries that we have set for ourselves. There are the few that we may choose to display our raw emotions to.. But on the whole.. We are generally keeping up appearances. Our face is reshut harabim and as such we try to keep a smile on our face and grin and bea...

It's Not Easy

Things tend to play out differently then you expected. Life is funny like that. We have these dreams and ideas of what will be. We think we know ... Exactly what kind of person we want to marry What kind of person we want to be when we grow up Where we want to live How we want to live We have dreams and aspirations of what the future holds. Its good. We should aspire. We should dream. We need to have some kind of road map. But happens on those days when you just feel lost? What happens to those days when the floor just falls out from underneath you? Those days when you realize that this is not the life i dreamed for myself. How did I get here? Where ever here may be... Sometimes we get to the place we've always wanted to get to..and we just can't believe that we made it here! How in heaven's name did this actually happen?Sometimes we are plagued with self doubt. I always said this is what I want to do..can i really do it? Am I good enough?Is everyone else better ...

Daily Halacha

In today's techonology savvy world it is all too common to do all our pre-RH pre-YK wishes via Text, Chat, Fb etc.. Thats why I thought today's halacha was important to share. Especially for all of us in the blogger world. The Rabbi Jacob S. Kassin Memorial Halacha Series Authored by Rabbi Eli J. Mansour ( 10/4/2011 ) To dedicate Daily Halacha for a day please click here. Thank you.   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Description: Yom Kippur – Asking Forgiveness From One’s Fellow by Phone, Fax, E-mail or Texting The Yom Kippur observance earns atonement for sins that one commits “Ben Adam La’Makom” – meaning, against only God.  When it comes to sins committed against a fellow Jew – “Ben Adam La’habero” – the Yom Kippur observance does not suffice.  One must also approach his friend and ask for his forgiveness.  This includes cases where one harmed his fellow financially, insulted him verbally, or otherwise wronge...

Does He Really Care?
