

What does that mean?

Most of us out here in the blogosphere are anonymous and we cherish that anonymity.
It allows us to express ourselves in a forum without fear of being judged or criticized.

But at the same time we have all developed personas. We like to think we " know" each other. After all blogs can get personal at times. We learn about each others struggles, our fears, our pains. We learn about senses of humor and interests.

But how different are our real identities and our real lives different?
We all have the anonymous bit of ourselves that we keep under wraps. We have a persona that we choose to display to the world. We take on a personality and go with it. We are loathe to step beyond the boundaries that we have set for ourselves. There are the few that we may choose to display our raw emotions to.. But on the whole.. We are generally keeping up appearances. Our face is reshut harabim and as such we try to keep a smile on our face and grin and bear it in public till we can get home...

Anonymity is a funny thing. Most of the day, your pretty anonymous. Taking the train is the most fascinating experience. Hundreds of people standing together ( only the lucky ones get to sit) for long periods or short periods of time. Each one has a story, a family, a loved one, a home... But at that moment.. They are anonymous they could say whatever they want you'll never see them again who cares if u judge them .. They don't know you and you don't know them.

Walk down any street in Manhattan..
Thousands of anonymous people.

In certain circles I'm sure they have names likes and dislikes but at that exact moment when you walking past them ... Completely anonymous

Many people thrive on the anonymity. They prefer others not to know who the are. They wear the clothes they know will allow them to fit in. They know exactly what to say and what to do so that they will never be questioned. There are no screaming signs of rebelliousness. There are landmarks saying this person is in the dark and in danger. We are fooled by their anonymity. 

It's so easy to get lost in the anonymous when we don't have anyone caring for you or anyone for u to care abt. We have to make sure that we don't become anonymous to ourselves. We have to make sure that no matter how anonymous we are "out there" we know who we are. Its vital that we know ourselves. The real us. Yea, anonymity is great..but its not real, its not us. 


  1. Very well put. I have been thinking a lot lately about the whole concept of anonymous blogging, and becoming friendly with other anonymous bloggers. There can be someone who one will get get to know as a fellow blogger, spend quite a bit of time blogging or even emailing / chatting with, and in truth neither of them know each other in the least...

  2. As a blogger who is not quite anonymous, I don't share as much as others do. And in that way, I agree with what you are saying. You get to a point where you are so guarded with what you say, that sometimes you can face yourself and not even know who you are. I often wonder, if I wrote solely for myself, or put myself in a room with no one else, what would I have to say?

    I am not suggesting that we live and talk and write for other people. But how much of what we do and say is really just a show for the world? How much of who we are is truly our essence?

  3. Prof- I agree..but at the same time...we can be more honest about ourselves to others under the guise of anonymity. We may not know their family, what they look like, but you are more likely to have an honest conversation about ideals and goals..when your anonymous. ( if people are being honest..but thats a given premise)

    Altie-I'm not completely anonymous either and it does make me think twice about posting. Different blogs are of different natures. Some blogs are the author's diary, and we are just the audience. Some are written to entertain, some to inspire and some to inform. Some are just one big conversation from all over the world. That is the beauty of the internet.

    I sometimes wonder about starting a new blog, where no one knows who I am..but i kind of like that i have to monitor what i write. I like that i have something to check myself against. Because as a wise friend of mine says..not everything thought needs to be shared. We do need a way to express ourselves..but it doesnt have to be in a public forum.

    As for how much of us is really us? Only we can answer that when we are being honest with ourselves. If we dare that is...

  4. I also thought of that. But I feel that being anonymous is not being completely honest to your audience. That is why I like that I am open.

    You have a point. I just think that in our world today, especially with the internet as prevalent as it is, many of us wear masks to hide our identity. We use the internet as a way to be who we really want to be, or to hide who we really are. And once you wear a mask long enough, it is hard to remove it.

  5. right..its important to differentiate between who you are and who your not...I think that I'm pretty much me..i write like i talk a lot of the time..just don't say my name..not much pretending. But i do believe that we are far more likely to say things, make radical statements when we know that no one knows who we are..

  6. But if anything, I feel like the bloggers might now you best. For example my post Where Do You Stand, u know how I feel abt that while many of my friends do not. So ya, Anonymous is great!

  7. @ Am - Yes, being anon does let people be "honest". The issue is when they become "too" honest, as share whatever pops into their head. People shouldnt say things that they wouldnt say in real person. I try extremely hard not to express any views on my blog which I would not share in real person. Anonymity is a great tool and power, but can be easily abused....

    oh, and thanks :)

  8. So we have been discussing all along. So we all seem to agree. I think we have to strike the perfect balance, between keeping your real identity a secret but being true to yourself. Like a seesaw. Or cell homeostasis :)

    Every blogger chooses what to share with their readers. But as long as you are not using or rather abusing your anonymity to say things or state opinions that you would never have the nerve to voice in public, then you are fine.

  9. Thanks Altie for the recap- We all agree that anonymity has its advantages..we just have to be careful not to abuse the homeostasis.

  10. This is a great post. I really like it a lot. Thanks!

  11. I have two thoughts on Anonymity - one in general and one as it relates specifically to me.

    1. Generally - The anon factor online allows people to be something a little bit different than who they are. It allows them to be somethnig closer to who they might like to be.

    2. As for me - If people I know, my family, etc, ever found my blog - id have to delete it and disappear from blogworld. So I'm extremely careful about my anonymity to the point of crazyness.

  12. @Cymbaline
    1. i agree that people are more likely to be truer to themselves for better or for worse when they are anonymous

    2. we respect your anonymity. I think that a blog is a great way to express yourself and get feedback without ever having to divulge who u are.


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