To Study or Not to Study?

I love Friday. I love the feeling that Shabbat is coming. Shabbos is a day like no other.. and that means that erev Shabbat is by association just as special.

About a year and a half a go...maybe longer...I started buying flowers "lekavod shabbat kodesh!" 
In seminary, Rabbi Geisler told us something that really stuck with me. He said that he does not buy his wife flowers on Friday. He and his wife go and buy flowers for Shabbat together.

Rav Shimshon Pincus, in his sefer on Shabbat, also talks about flowers. He says that he went to the store to buy flowers for Shabbat. He went to the roses. Only the best for Shabbat. Only the best for the Queen. But he couldn't decide how many to get. A dozen. two dozen..there is no value for Shabbat. Maybe he should just buy them all? In the end he bought three roses; one for each of the avot, which in turn correspond to the three meals of Shabbat.

The greatness of Shabbat is often ignored, trampled on. R'Pincus explains that all too often Shabbat is the most spiritually deficient day of the week. During the week, the learner has his sedarim. The earner has his daf yomi, he goes to shul and makes his time for his shuirim and throughout the day he is following the various halachot that pertain to his business. But comes Shabbat..everything changes.

The scene is all too familiar. Friday night, we rush through shalom aliechem and Kiddush to get to the meal because we are starving! As soon as the meal is over..everyone stumbles into bed, its been a really hard week after all. Shabbat morning, he's lucky if he makes it to shul in time for Baruch She'amar. ( i know that personally i often wake up too late to even go to shul.)  Again, after the heavy food, cholent, no one can hold his head up. So off to bed we go. When we do wake up, its reading Mishpacha at best, homework or a novel at worst. Back to shul. Mincha, seudat shlishi, and Tada the holiest day of the week -GONE.

Shabbat is one thing that I am supremely passionate about. Even as a high school student, even in seminary, I refused to study on Shabbat. I just could never understand it. This is Shabbat. This is the day when we are in the Yichud room with Hashem. It is the one day we get to put away all our work and bask in the glory of the day..and what is everyone doing? Planning what they will be doing Motzai Shabbat, studying for the test on Monday so they can go out on Sunday...It just makes me seethe.

Even now, in PA school. I was talking to a few frum people in my class. They were saying how Shabat was the best day of the week to study. I honestly had to control myself from exploding right there into a mussar shmuess about the kedusha of Shabbat! How could you do that?! ITS SHABBAT! ITS A GIFT! All our work is supposed to be done. Today is the day we are to sit with Hashem and gain all that we can. Any spirituality, any physicality, anything we get during the week comes from Shabbat. You are going to squander that special time studying BIOCHEM!!! Learn a sefer  you cant during the week! Say a little more tehilim. Sing a few more zemirot!

I told him, that I point  blank refuse to study on Shabbat. He tells me that if I plan on doing well in this program that I'm going to have to.

I don't think I will fail out because I refuse to study on the day of Kedusha. Besides the fact its highly inappropriate, there is an issur of hachana. i think so. I have not asked my rav i dont have a Psak yet. But for now I'm holding out.

So what about you?
Do you study on shabbat? How do you feel about it? D o you think I'm wrong?


  1. It's tough being in grad school and have so much work. the only school related work I don't on shabbat is the reading because i enjoy reading, it doesn't feel like a bore and it needs to be done. But i also place a big emphasis on shabbos,a sin going to shul, seeing people...

  2. for me...the reading is a bit pointless without the reading..and i pace when i not going to pace up and down the shabbat room holding BioChem notes mumbling to myself..just doesnt seem right

  3. lol ya im picturing it, doesnt pass to well...

  4. I dont study on shabbos. It is sometimes hard, but i just feel its the one time during the week when i can sit back and learn without the nagging thought in the back of my head that when im finished I have to turn my cell phone back on and deal with the backlog that built up while I was learning. Besides, the rambam holds that you arent allowed to learn secular studies on shabbos. Shlulchan Aruch Harav says it is fine, as does the Mishna berura, but the MB sys that a yiras shamayim wont.

    (A side interesting note, there are some people who wont even learn gemara on shabbos. They say shabbos is reserved for the nistar of torah, zohar, kabbalah chassidus etc.)

  5. for now im holding out..we'll see what happens

  6. I think you should ask your rav. The subject matter may make a difference in terms of psak; or more specifically in your case ask if biochem would be considered a chachma. That specific fact might change things significantly. I was never really troubled with the idea of not studding on Shabbos, but I can understand why one would want to ask the question this year where Yom Tov makes things rather difficult.

  7. I am trying to avoid it as much as possible. But i will ask him..just in case I absolutely have to.

  8. In the first two years of college, I did not study siences on shabbat. Sometimes I had a mathematical or algorithmic puzzle in my mind just to think about but I never tried to prepare for my biology or chemistry exam. I even encouraged my friends not to. Unfortunately beginning the junior year, I had a much heavier curriculum ( sometimes 6 science courses per semester), and I reached a point where I really felt anxious and uncomfortable especially if I had an exam on Sunday. Then I started to cram my advanced bio courses even on
    shabbat. It was not a good experience but otherwise, I could not feel the joy and simcha of shabbat either. I am happy it is done.

    Anyways, good luck in your studies. It should be difficult to catch up classes with so many holidays ahead. But you have a strong Emunah. At least kippur is on shabbat and you can save one more day to memorize your biochem staff ;)

  9. unfortunately, I have a test the day after YK and a test the day after sukkot. SO i it seems like i may have to break my rule sooner than expected.

  10. Oops! So you cannot even go back home to be with your family for chagim. That's hard. Anyways gous luck, exams are not pleasant, but they are not the worst things in the world. The worst things I guess are presentations which unfortunately I should give one in three weeks. It's a rough time.

  11. I'm going back anyways.
    Thanks for the luck i'll need it.
    Good luck with your presentation!

  12. Haha. So much for my not studying... I just realized, I have two papers and a midterm due isru chag sukkos. To top that off, from yom kippur until sukkos is one of my busiest times of the year as a caterer. As of now, we will be cooking meals for a total of some 5000 people over sukkos! That means 15 hour days that whole week! No time to study.... I guess I may just have to break my rule, unless I can somehow pull it all off from now until yom kippur....

  13. Ya Man!
    I'm trying to pull it off. No studying on Yom kIppur! That is not allowed under any curcumstance. Sukkot may be different I have a huge test the day after Simchat Torah. Dont know what im gonna do...Gonna see if i can pull it off..but its not looking hopeful.

  14. Yom Kippur is obviously out. I am flying to Toronto for it, and will have some ten hours on the plane for school work. I may do some studying on sukkos, but chances are I will be zonked (thats how i was rosh hashana. In the two days before rosh hashana i worked 35 hours!) I am desperately trying to finish everything by the sunday after Yom Kippur...

  15. what abt the test i have the day after YK? and the one two days after that?

  16. Dunno. I have a midterm issru chag sukkos, as well as a quasi final that same day (quasi as in its just three papers due, two of which I have already written. I hope to be able to bang out the next one sometime on my flight).

  17. so maybe we shud be studying now..instead of commenting?
    im listening to a shiur..thats my excuse

  18. Haha. I got home from work at like 6 my time, did my shiurim, and am now going back and forth between my word doc and this comment thread :)

  19. home from school really late..dinner read a studying while watching rather listening to the shiur..and this..

  20. Well, good luck studying! I stocked up on mint chewing gum and chocolate cordials to keep me going tonight :) I hope to finish a paper tonight. On page one of six....

  21. that was smart..the stores are closed by the time i get home so no time to stock up..but i have popcorn and tea..and coffee..good luck on ur paper

  22. I dont drink coffee... I know, its crazy, but ive managed to survive until now. Good luck studying!

  23. And... four hours later...done! Basic draft. Ended up being 8 pages. Thats a real weight of my chest.


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