U R what u seek
So I've had lots of ideas running thru my head, there is this one concept that ive been wanting to talk about since i got back from israel and there is sometihng that occurs to me everytime i work out and then there is this one thing that really struck me this week so im gonna see if i can pull it all together.lets see how it goes.. So basically my father was getting gas early on this week and then it hit him..his back muscles spased as in he had a muscle spasm and has been in intense pain. for the first two days he could barely get outta bed and if he needed to stand up he called me to help him( seeing as im so short i was the perfect lean on hight- we laughed that now we know why im so short..) anyways what striked me ( i think thats the word) was that no matter how much pain he was in..he still davened. he made sure he sat up to put on his tallit and tefillin on. and to me this really made an impression. how many times does it roll around time for mincha and we just cant. ur sit...