Are u up to the challenge?

Im scandalized..I just checked my last post date..May22...that was eons ago! Im so sorry yall, it was shavuous, then i landed last friday..and here I am sitting before you ready..
So last night as i was waiting to fall asleep i was thinkinig about what i should write today, and let me tell u i have so much to write between my last two weeks in isreal, my first week back at GSU and flying back..

First of all im sure u all are dying to know my flight story..guess what- there was none! i came early cuz i thought my flight was at 1030 but really it was 1130 so i had plenty of time tho the nesher came late and then stopped by knesa la-eer to pick up some nuns..and then i went through security no problems..i boarded the plane sat in my seat..switched with someone so i got an aisle seat and sat there for 12 hrs till i landed home 530 in the boker last yea the crazyess part of the whole thing was that it was normal

so what am i saying today, ever since i started doing this on a regular basis i have been on the look out for something to write about. all week i look at things that happen to me or to people around me and try to glean something anything that will give me enough material to write about cuz i know that if i dont give yall something..ill end up getting hate mail(joking!)

now granted my life seems a bit crazier than others and there are certain times when something will happen to me and u are like - man those things only happen to to me and  no one else. but still i know that tho only my plane breaks and its only odd when i have a normal flight..we all have flukes in our day. we all have things that happen taht should caus us to look again.

so here is my challenge to you. pick a time frame - once a week, once every other week, ever month, whatevr it is. choose one time frame and stick to it religiously and in that time pick one thing that stuck out in your day and just jot dot what u learned from it. you dont have to write a whole megilla like me, just keep a notebook of these days, of these ideas and keep them on hand. and once u've done it for a certain amount of time, lessen the time frame

we spend alot of time doing what jews are supposed to do. we run around going to school, work, taking care of our families and we forget that in the midst of our intense judasim we have to connect to and see Hashem in every part of our lives. We cannot just live our lives and leave HIm out. people complain that they do all the right things and they still dont feel connected. How come G-d wont show Himslef to them? they ask. but if we are just to open our eyes and SEE. i was recently sitting with someone who was listening to a speech by shira smiles on inspiration- what is it? where does it come from? how do we keep it? and the first step to all that is that we have to live our lives ready to see. Hashem can be giving us the biggest lesson- talking directly to us, but we are too busy texting to notice. we choose to ignore by choosing not to see. and when we ignore something - class what does that mean? does it mean we are giving it chashivus? no to us it means its not worth our time.

last night was my high school's gradution. ten out of the 16 graduates spoke. one girl spoke about her grandfather who is a holocoust survivor. he had everyuthing jewish stripped of him. only after serving in the american army did he finaly start his return home. he CHOSE judaism. but here his granddaghter stood having everything jewish abouit her given to her, she didnt have to fight to keep kosher or shabbat that was how she was raised. as most of us were. but there is a danger in that. the danger is that we take for granted everytihng we have. we dont appreciate what it is that we have. so we dont value it, we dont fight for it, we dont choose it. we must choose it. we must choose to see Him in our lives.
Another girl spoke about bonds. how we are the bond that keeps klal yisreal alive. the woman is the one that bonds the home together. but how can we bond when we dont know to what is that we are bonding. Hashem is everywhere. we all know the song but to truly see Him everywhere demands a greater level of bond beyond going to shul and davening twice a day. it goes to deep connection that follows you everywhere.

Chas v'shalom u wouldnt wanna be in a place that G-d would we survive for even a mini-second. but we have to so to say "invite Him along" cuz if in our mind He isnt there then mida keneged mida, He wont act like He is there. the more places we look for Him the more places He'll be there for us.

I just wanna give a simple example of something that i wanted to write about. i was in rechavia in the park and i was playiing with the kids, and Rivka?(age 5) was on a bike and she was going up a slight hill ( so slight taht if u was walkig wouldnt notice but to a 5yrold huge-diff lesson altogether ill let u flesh it out) and she asked me to push her, sure no prob as we was getting to the top and she was pedaling on her own, then when we got to the "crux" of the hill, she stopped pedaling, when it was hardest she stopped and then she rolled down. so then i tried to explain to her that if you use the force of momentum from the down hill u can push almost to the top- and that last bit thats the hardest u cant stop pushing u haev to keep going, cuz once u stop and u lose momentum its all that much harder to start again.

k no biggy, basic science lesson of gravity and momentum to a child right- nothing earthshattering. but as soon as i said it i was like - wow what a great blog topic. in life when it hgets the hardest we have to keep pushing cuz if we stop at that crucial junction for even a moment its infinately harder. (of course that is just the short version)

what im trying to say is that every situation is a chance to see lessons, G-d is trying to pull us closer to Him. but we have to see it in the big things like broken planes and tsunamis but its much more important(i think) to see Him in the unexpected places. Cuz if we seek Him out, He'll definately come out.

So i challenge u. go to the store, buy a pretty notebook that u like and make yourself a time frame and at teh end of that set time. write down what it is that u saw and how it inspired you. it'll change your life i know taht it changed mine. so for that opportunity i thank you all for giving me the push to do this for myself and now im returing the gift. so please do yourselves a favor and change your life!


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