Who do you wanna be?

K so im posting a little early this week cuz im leaving earlier not that many of you know the difference as u are probably sleeping or slowly waking up as i type. so whats news with the jews..what is the profound lesson that i wanna share?

well, to tell u the truth im in pain..ive been working out like a crazy woman and man alive do my muscles hurt, my arms, my back, my legs, where my back meets my legs...you get the picture..im feeling it all and for what? well i like working my muscles it makes me feel strong plus i have a wedding in Aug that i have to get skinny for..but thats not the point, im willin to endure the pain to get to the goal that i want.

ive been discussing this concept with a friend(u know who u are) about making lifestyle choices:
"Watch your thoughts, for they become words.Watch your words, for they become actions.Watch your actions, for they become habits.Watch your habits, for they become character.Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

(brief commercial break- i must share this im at the gym and there is a yoga class going on and all of a sudden i hear "shalom alaychem" singing in the background now mind u no one in that class is jewish and neither is the instructor- is that odd or what- even the goyim are getting ready for shabbat!)

k- back to normal broadcasting. so we've all read that poem before,we've all nodded our heads in agreement ' yea thats realy true' we say to ourselves. but then we move on..we kinda push it to the recceses of our minds and forget about it. but its not something that we can choose to forget. our thoughts have such unbelievable power. we know that if we decide to do a mitzva but then for some reason we cannot, we get schar for that mitzva- if we regret doing the mitzva then the schar is taken awway its as if we nevre did it.

we all have a picture of who we wanna be in 20 yrs from now. if u dont then stop right now - ill wait- and you picture who it is that u wanna be. if twenty years is too hard then do 10 if thats too hard then do 5 but at least have some sorta picture of where u wanna be. then decide is what u are doing conducive to you achieving that goal. are the decisions that u are making right now gonna lead you to the place u wanna be.
its like knowing exactly where u wanna go to vacation but if you never buy the tickets, rent the car, print the directions, u can want to go from now to the end of eternity and back but that wont bring u any closer to your dreamed vacatio. for me when i was going to israel i bought my ticket years in advance, and there is no such thing as paper tickets anymore so there was no physical proof that i was going(except of course the defeciency in my bank acount but thats besides the point) my passport had expired like two months after i came back from moreshet and i had needed a new one. the day my passport arrived0 thats when i got excited thats when everything was coming together i was really going.

we need to have a goal.we cant just live our lives zooming down the highway we need to get off sometime. we need to know exactly where it is that we are going. now for some this may mean finishing med school. others it may mean starting a torah family for others it could be wanting to be a powerhouse of chessed in the community. we all have our goals but we have to pinpoint what those goals are and how we are gonna get there.

and its not just taht we have to have the direction from mapquest. we also have to have gas in the car, cds to keep us entertained and we need food cant go anywhere without food. these are the side things that help us get to where we need to go. we have to decide in life, i wanna be this kinda wife i wanna be this kind of mother, i wanna be this kind of eved Hashem. is what i am doing right now in congruence to what i want to be "when i grow up?" and believe it or not people we are grown up. some of us may think that no- im still a kid i still have time to wait till "im grown up"

you know when we were younger we'd use to say- when i grow up im gonna do this, im gonna change that. when i get married im gonna become this such a person. but the truth is that we are grown up and some of us are marrried (mazal tov to Rivki lesser btw) and those of us who arent we cant wait. we need to become the person we want to be now. we cant wait for the ring to decide to stop doing certain things and start doing other things.

its not only the big decisions in our lives taht make or break us. those are huge and ther are hard to make but thats not what defines us. which seminary u go to which high schoool which camp for that matter that u go to does not define u! what defines us is the small day to day decisions consious or not. the decison to say kriyat shema even tho u can barely keep your eyes open. the decison not to have that piece of cake not bcz i believe we shud all be on diets but its a lesson in control, its a test of integrity.u decided that u were no longer gonna eat cake for the next few weeks. if u cave what does that say about your ability to keep yur word? now we all rationalize and say 'oh thats just to myself, for other people im really good' how do we know. the only person that has to live with u 24/7 is u. only u know truly and honestly how you feel abt your neighbor. only u know when u smile at your friend even though she was half an hr late and u say "sure i understand" even tho you cant believe that she made you wait that long. only u know ur thoughts. and we seem to think that we cant control our thoughtsour actions maybe but our thoughts? naaa..but we have a mitzva of dan l'kaf zchut so apparently G-d thinks we can - you wanna prove G-d wrong?

Famous quote - be the change u wanna see in the world. now the world could be yoiur family, your groiup of friends. but we also know that every person is an olam katan. picture who it is that u wanna be and compare it to your current lifestyle, to your current decisions and then make the change howevr small it is. make that change and in your world it will make all the difference. so next time u experience that moment of weakness remember - is this the person i wanna be, is this the person taht i wanna become?

im definately not saying that we never fail and if we do that means we are failures by nature and doomed for eternity.just giving a means of which to guide our selves


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