Can you stand up to Millgram?

kay guys this is the latest R'Kelemen, we have him with these college groups that come to neve. here it goes:
anyone who has taken any psyche course ever knows abt millgram's experiment. the basic conclusion is that though a person may vehemtly say that he will neve deliver an electric shock to an innocent person, 100 percent of people delivered the first shock,. those people dont think the are evil, they just changed their mind- right? what makes a person a nazi, what brings a person to such rishus what takes him from a human being and changes him to an animal? this is a question that he( R' kelemen) grappled with for a while. and this is teh answer taht he came up with and if i do say so myself it is brillliant!
when someone makes a commitment to something they are bound by that commitment, however, if that comintment is not binding to them, then they are on the path to being a nazi. sound harsh? yeah, well look at it this way. what made an entire country of civilized people turn completely over and turn them to animals? how do YOU know that if someone sticks a gun to your head and says shoot that person, you wot shoot? how do you know that you will stand up to the pressure? hopefully the answer to that is that you made a firm commitment to keep the torah regardless of the gun. so yeah this sounds extreme and not so practical, but what abt the commitment you made in sem this time last year right before you went home, what was that last thing you promised you would be machmir abt at home to remind yourself of that bubble that you were once in. he gave a mashal of a military planning r oom, in that room it is very safe adn you look at all the situiations adn make a plan for every situation so once you are in battle adn bullets are wizzing through the air, you dont stop and think abt a plan, you are in autopilot , the plan is second nature to us. last year was teh planning room we made commitments that would protect us from the wizzing bullets so that we will stay safe, but are we keoing to those commitments, bcz those are what mae us peopel of integrity and worth? so here is a simple test to see if yoiu really are a preson to whom commitment means something. ready its a diet- no not a starvation diet
day 1-3: leave abt the size of your pinky of food on your plate and little liquid in the cup
day 4-7: leave some of each type of food and some liqiud in your cup
day 8-11: leave the best bit- the carmel in the doniut, the whipped cream on your ice coffee, you get teh point.
so test yourself and see aif you could have said no to milgram when he told you to flick the switych and give that first shock!


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