
So at this point i think you guys are getting as bored as i am with my routine, school in the morning(that means marta, whoohooo!) back adn forth. Friday mornings i come here, this part you dont know about, turn on all the lights, vacuum, from 6-7i usually study or learn, 7-8 is nap time cuz noone is here then its back 8-9 is email time.
But today was different, i woke up early (even before my alarm) and i didnt even have coffee, came here on time and vacuumed, read some stuff on aish and as soon as i pulled out my sefer to do a little learning, these two ladies walked in who i have never seen before, they were interested in joinin so i took them around showed them the machines (they were coming from curves so they didnt really get how a real gym worked) so i showed them how teh machines worked and then how to do free weights,bikizur i was with them till 7:55 at which ppoint they left, i checked the time and freaked out! btwn 7:55-8 i had a 5 min window to learn something and it was so cool cuz it totally relates to my life!
(Total side point, its the breaks from the norm that make us appreciate our routine so much more, its like when you come home from vacay -the time off was asweome but its so great to get back to your life)
i learned about the power of hergel and growth. we all have heard a hundred times it is better to give out 1,000 dollar bills to 1000 different pple then to give the entire amount to one person, why? its the same amount rite? rite, but the act is totally differnt! everytime you give, you are ingraining in yourself the act of giving, it makes you into a giver, we are creatures of habit, the more you do somethin the more it becomes a part of you and the more it resonates with you, the more integral it becomes to your life.
But we have all learned the evils of hergel, how it can pull us away from real meaning, how we somehow becomes robots not active participants in our lives. the yezer hara uses hergel as a very effective tool. "you have been doin in like this for so long, you think you can change?" "this is your life, that is for those frummies over there-the nerds- this isnt your life, not how you were raised" " dont u want everyone to think that you are normal, do you want them to say that u were brainwashed" Sound familiar? if not, you are really lucky!
I had a teacher who always told us that taht there is no mida that is "bad" every mida can be used for avodas Hashem or chas v'shalom the opposoite, the choice is ours! so how do we use hergel for our advantage? we actually daven
y'he ratzon milfanecha...shtargileinu b'torasecha- May it be your will that we become accustomed to Torah
This is what we need to fight the battle of the yezer hara, an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, right? so we use his tool against him. we all have our "new year's resolution" however we cannot rely on the resolution alone, as much as we believe in our selves our will power isnt something that has been known to be the most reliable over the course of history. what we need is a plan, a resolution plan, to make this new year differnt, to make the resolution stick, to become as a part of you as those sem lbs (joking!) it has to become a part of your chrytalized memory, something as sure as your phone number (have i made my point yet cuz i could go on)
and once it gets to that point you really will be a changed person and it will be that much harder to get it out of your system, its gonna take something really big to make you think "wait, am i doing something wrong is my hashkafa right? am i commited to the right thing" and if something that powerful comes up to shake you so much then IT IS TIME to re-evaluate things. Something as powerful as katrina doesnt just come along - it comes to teach uc something powerful and Hashem is waiting to see what will do with it, we are supposed to re-evaluate but only at the correct, set time otherwise there will be no growth, only ratiomalizations!
i dont know news savvy ya'll are, but because of Ike there has been massive gas shortages. you have to drive around finding gas stations that that actually have gas at 4.29 a gallon and wait 45 in line till you can actually get to the pump. you dont realize how dependant on things till its gone and then you'll pay anything cuz you realize how important it is and you really cant survuve without it, the next time youi feel yourself slipping, imagine what you would feel like if everyhing you you worked on would be gone if you kept going. Then you realize how important these things are and then you hold on so much tighter! so this rosh hashana make a list of your accomplishments, of the growth that you have made, and be proud of yourself, but dont lose that glow and it will help you move on foward!
to infinity and BEYOND!Life is not a spectator sport


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