Lessons From School

Hey guys,
so i dont know how many of yall know that i go to college every day, some times twice a day! and cuz its in downtown and i dont wanna waste the gas plus pay for parking i take the Marta( equivelent of the subway) everyday! so let me describe the experience for ya so you can empathize with my plight! so getting there is not that big of deal, unless i miss the train but that doesnt happen that often plus you know i have tonz of training waiting for buses... so i get to right stop, now there is a surge of pple waiting to get off at downtown then we all charge for the escelator which is typically broken so in harnof style i run up the steps two at a time now im at katzenalobogen now its time to get to hakablan, again i pummel up the stairs im exhausted, its now 7:40 AM ive been up since 6:30 then as i walk out of the station, the heavens open up and its pouring cats and dogs( we get flash storms here in the Atl!)
so as im running to get to class without getting too wet, my shoes are of course getting ruined my class room is freezing ( yes i thought it was cold) its meant for 120 but there are only 70 pple whose intelligence is in question bcz they chose to have a microbiology class at 8 in the morning! fine class is over not so many graphic pictures this time and again im heading back to marta(refer to the earlier translation) mad dash thru the rain, i pull out my card, swipe it... run down two flights of steps, the train is there, i run to the doors, and ...
they close in my face and the train leaves me on the deck as it pulls away. this hasnt only happened once , im my two weeks at gsu this is the second time. now, considering my track record i shouldnt be suprised that my travel plans dont go so smoothly, but hey things can change right? right? so nows about when you try to figure out where im going with my story, think about it i had all week to figure it out what can you come up with? if u do come up with somethin different then what i write then please share... so as im sitting there mulling over my fate i check the sign and see the next one will be there in three minutes! so can i wait that long... well it depends on the day, today i can. (this is where i come up with my stuff)
in life often, we are running, running to make a plan, grab an opportunity, to catch a flight, etc and sometimes jsut as we get there, the thing we were trying so hard to get slips away right before our eyes ( or right through your fingers pick whichever you like better i couldnt choose) and then we just stand there looking at the empty spot that was jsut the train that left of flight that took off.
so now you have a couple choices
a. berate your self for wasting those extra seconds putting on your lipgloss you could have done later
b. set your schedule to make sure you leave earlier
c. try to discern y you were put in this spot at this exact second,
Why did Hashem, the Creator, Director, Master of the universe decided that at that exact second you were ment to be at JFK gate B15 when youi just wanted to be in the air ( no personal confessions i have not missed a flight yet, i seem to have the opposite problem) so what is the opportunity that G-d is giving you right now? is this a chance to work on your patience? is this gonna be the lesson that you need to finally take being on time, how many times have you been late to meet your friends and they had to sit there waiting for you? will you take this opportunity to make a concious effort to change?
Or, maybe this is a lesson in emuna adn bitachon? is this teachin you that regardless how much you want something adn plan something rabos machshavos belev ish we plan alot of things but we are just getting in the way, you are NOT running the show, G-d IS! Rabbi Kass always says that the reason shidduchim is as hard as kriyas yamsuf is bcz pple get in the way. so whatever you decide to take, from your waiting experience, remember to take something!
so make every experience a spiritual one
whether taking it as tochacha, an expression of yourFather's love, or an opportunity to pray, pounce on the opportunity bcz you are only get that one shot to get taht much closer to Hashem. yes, of course there will be more, but that doesnt mean that you will be the same person if HAD taken advantge of that last one
Shabbat Shalom!


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