TO Live or NOt to Live?

so... i flew...ya, so ya'll know what that means....first of all i wanted so say thank you again to all my kind hosts and it was great to see so many pple at tzirele's wedding. My flight in was blissfully uneventful( at least relatively), i had a great time in NY i took many buses both mehadrin and not. so on thurs i rushed to the airport to be there two hours early like you are supposed to (when will she learn...) and especially since i was flying in to jfk (ibid) i didnt want to miss my flight cuz i got lost. so i get there and first i land in the departure section for international flights so i have to cross the street, fine no problem i check in my flight is still on time ( i cheked on the way to the airport)
by the time i get to my gate my flight was delayed from 7:10 to 8:45 fine not such a big deal i was prepared i had food and i had to daven, i was suspiciou sthat this would not be the last change i was wary based on my history, the aiports had turned me into a cynic. fine , i look and see that agian it was changed till 9 something so that was that i went to buy a book ( my library has grown quite extensively due to my flying!) fine i settled down to read, meanwhile as yall know i have work the the next morning at 5:30 at the gym, so the owner called me and i told her my situation, i explained taht if i got on the nine thirty flight ki would be fine, otherwise ,,, so ya, bikitzur,
i didnt get home till 4 AM and no i didnt get to work which is why you are getting this so late! so what did i learn from flight? well, one is that you shoudl always be prepared lest yoiu are stuck somewhere with nothing to do, i forget the exact details but there was this city that was moving during WWII bcz they were escaping when they ;landed in the transfer town they had to wait fir the nxt train that was availabley to take them to their nxt destination. there were two sets of people, there were those who lived at the train station doing nothing constantlky waiting for the train and those who immidiately on getting there set up a yeshiva for the boys and beis medrash for the men, the woman settled in and tought their daughters whatever they needed to be taught, they ended up staying in that town for abt a year. now the people that kept waiting for the train, did nothing with their year, they lived as if they were gonna leave any second, they never un packed their suitcases, they accomplished nothing. The second group who unpacked as soon as they got there accomplished so much, they had a whole yr of learning undre their belts, they didnt go every day to the station, constatntly waiting for something they had no clue when it would arrive.
so i guess you can see where im headed with this, every second can adn should be utilized to its fullest, we are not to spend this minute waiting for the next, yes we must be prepared for life but that doesnt preclude wasting the minutes before the upcoming event. we all spend our entire high school (okay maybe not all) years waiting to go to seminary, " in semm im gonna stop doing xyz..." " when i get married i will no longer..."
we put off the changes that we know we must make, that we want to make to a later more 'appropriate' time. 'then it will be easier' we tell ourselves, untill then, well ill live my life ill wait till the train comes before i actually LIVE my life. so what is stopping u now? do you need a learning partner? so call me, call your BF , or better call Partners in Torah and then you and someone else can commit together to really start living your lives. Dont wait for the delayed plane, every minute of dead space, every second of life not used, is you being dead while you are physically alive. Do you want to spend your 120 years dead or alive, the choice is up to you, when you waste that time when you are waiting for your friend to come pick you up... you are giving up precious seconds that many pple would grab from u in an instant. so its ultimately ur decision:
to live or not to live: that is the question!


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