This is an insane world-so what?

Well, last week was gorgous and this week is rainy rainy and believe you when i say that it wasnt like this when i awoke this morning, it was quite dry, but now the heavens have opened up and there is a torrential downpour, in case you were wondering what teh weather was this week.

so by now yoiu alll know about my carreer develpoment class that is providing me with infinite wisdom about life and is giving me serious material for this blog. so this week we had a speaker come tell us about studying abroad and i was like hello..been there done that ..twice..he's telling us how cool it is that you can get credits while abroad and experience the culture of the country...learn the language...blah blah blah...whatever then after his presentation we all got into a circle and had to discuss what we thought were the negative feedbacks that we got from the class, since we all had to do group did we think the class responded to our presentations basically..
anyways everyone was really positive saying that we thought everyone participated yada yada yada, but then she asked us about what we thought about people texting

now we are all part of the "texting generation" as she put it. there are a few people who are older in my class who wouldnt put themselves in that category but to the present reader i think the majority of us text, some more than others (you know if you are a textaholic) we then had to share our feelings about texting during class. did i mention we were in a circle, talk about group therapy!
so as we are dialoging..the older generation is saying that its so rude, and its disturbing to the teacher adn the other people in the class, the younger peeps are saying that we arent doing it to say :i dont care what you are saying" we live in an ADD world, if im not doin at least two things at the same time im bored...but she was saying also that we forget that though we arent doing it to be rude, but thats how its percieved. i think Mrs. Stefansky is reading and is thinking "if they dared text in RAbbi Kasses class, they would get it and they know it.." we all know taht textin in a torah class is disrespectful to the teacher and teh material being studied tho we tend to forget..

another point that was brought up was that in this ADD generation in which our attention span is no more than 5min at a time, the clacking of a girl's nails on her phone as she's tetxin a mile a minute is distracting, also in college everyone is on their laptops "surfing the waves of america online" what between facebook and youtube who cares what the teacher is saying. she said that teh flashing screen as people surf distracts her. now personally i have like 100-150 pple in most my classes, if i would to bhe texting he would never know and the majority of the class falls into the 20-25 age range and about 50% of them are surfing duribg class; there is the minority of adults that are there that are coming back to further their education. we agreed in our discussion that is simply not feasible to get everyone else to shut their laptops and just listen to the teacher.

so whats a girl to do? well, you could yell at everyone about how rude it is and its you r clas and you want to learn adn how dare they distract you..or option two is to work on your self. sit in the front row where you wont see the entire lecture hall's laptop screens, take a yoga class to help you learn to focus..whatever takes lesson 1 in life is that yoiu cant change others you can only change yourself. change who you talk to, who you spend time with , usually you can control that, not always. (lesson 1 is shmirat halashon, be careful who yoiu talk to!)

we live in an insane world, unless we live in the heart of mea'sharim, we are gonna be exposed to absolute craziness. as we walk down the streets (even brooklyn is not exempt from this) we often shake our heads wondering what this world is coming have we sunk so low. but thats about as far as it goes, we complain that we cant grow cuz of this block in your life, or this person who is stopping you.

but that is the ultimate insanity. yoiu cant allow others to distract you; you cannot let them control your destiny. that is in your hands and yours alone. you choose your spiritual level and no one else! and dont let anyone else convince you otherwise. whether it be in work, family or friends, we all have people that pull us down. we cant disassociate from all the people in our lives. you went to sem and "flipped out" adn your friends didnt...well taht happens adn you know what, you can still keep your friends but we have to keep oiur standards (i feel like this is the going home for pesach or at the end of the year speech) at first it may make your friends a little weirded out, but sof kol sof it works out, you remain stronger and your friends and family will respect you
its waaay to easy to fall back into our regular routines that we broke out of when we were in israel, but then yoiur back in your room, with all that stuff yoiu left behind yoiu talk to all your friends and before you know it your right back where you started, sure you may be a little smarter after medrash report, but that aint what they are gonna ask you when you get up there! they gonna ask if you kept climing higher and higher and higher and they are not gonna accept, i tried but really it was my sister's fault she kept playing that music and i tried to ignore it but then i just kinda fell back into your voice trails off you realize how rediculous that sounds....and you bow your head in shame...


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