Stepping up

So this week its gonna
be a bit diff
for i was challenged
by a dear friend of mine
to post this week in a slightly
diff form..A poem...she challenged
and here i am true to form
stepping up
and with this challenge
she provided me with inspiration
as she always does

and with this i begin..
my second idea first
we all have friends..of all sorts
some for when we mad
some when we sad
some at school
some at home
we keep them around us
we choose who we keep
close to our hearts
we have friends taht
keep us entertained
make us laugh
but we must remember
taht most important of all
is teh friend
that keeps u inspired
teh friend that steers u right
and never wrong(mostly never wrong)
we all need
somebody to lean on
and we need someone
who can give us direction
for friends are more tahn just
hangini buddies
someone to text when u bored in class
real freindship is waaay more

Kanay lecha chaver-
we are told
and this is a statment taht holds true
for all generations
for all ages
we need friends close to us
who can be honest
and tell u when u are lost
to hold ur hand when
your finding the way back

especialy in this month..
when we is trying
trying so hard
to do what we are supposed to do
but we get distracted
school is starting
need to get those outfits
to look ur holiday best
but we need to stay on track
and no one does this better
than a friend
teh one u always talk to
the one u call when u wanna hang
make it deeper
make it more real
make it a friendship taht u
really cherish
soemthin that u can be proud of
after 120
make a learning date once a week
and ull see
how much diff
how much deeper
and meaningful
the relationship comes
when u start worrying abt the soul
of another
there is no closenss like it
nothing like cheering on
a friend
as she struggles
and there is nothing like it
when u know someone
is there for you
supporting u and caring abt u
in all ways

before i get too mushy
ill move on
to my original point
one taht i belive to be crucial
in these times..this month
the concept of stepping up
accepting the challenge
listen dearies
no one said life was easy
and if its too easy
somethings wrong...
life is about the ups and downs
and the greatest challenge
is getting up
after we;ve been down
and now
the yetzer hara is challenging us
and every point
every turn
hes there
hoping well fail
but we know better
and i know that teh challenge
of posting
in poem form
is no where as complicated
or scary
as to what the satan has in store for us
but if we remember
that G-d is there
and He's watching
He's cheering us on
He wants us to suceed
He wants us to grow
to stand up
agiant teh Yetzer Hara
and show him whose boss
we've got challenges
who doesnjt
from the moment we born
we're being challenged
its what develops us
shapes us
makes us grow

so now heres teh finale
how im gonna connect
part 2 and part 1
can u guess?
(not much audience participation this week)
pick a friend
pick a challenge
and together
work through the same challenge
we all have our own tests
things that are unique to us
but then again
we are all human
living in an insane world
so there are
that we share
so pick a friend
one to whom u wanna be close
really close
and together
choose a challenge
develop a strategy
make a plan
and work it thru
belive u me
it works
this is a tried
and true recipe
everything is better
whn doen with a friend
so go ahead
step up to the challenge...
shabbat shalom


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