who are we what are we doing?
so many stories this week so many stories..and the ones i remember are only from the past two days..anyways..i dont know if yall follow the news but this monday there was serious rain fall in my fair city and when i was driving home i was goin so slowly cuz i cudnt see infront of me it was that bad..it was as if the heavens had opened and the rain was falling with no end...fine i get home soaking wet - i didnt have an umbrella- the next day im driving listening to the news on the radio when i hear all about teh flood of 2009, it was actualy classefied as a flood schools had closed, homes where under water and unfirtunately ten people had been lost to the flood..the first though that striked me and is probably occuring to you is that on mon-tzom gedalyia- merely hours after rosh hashana- a day when we are juddged who will live who will die who by fire and who by water...the very next day..a flood over took the city homes and schools destroyed higways closed for days..lives lost...it was...