GSU adn Marta..need i say more?

So many marta stories this week...they just kept coming one after i had two tests..bootcamp...Rosh Hashana right around the corner plus a three hour lab session..BH no lack of inspiration the question only lies i where to start and how to go...we'll go where Hashem leads...that in itslef a topic...

so i picked a story to start with..cant wait to see where it yesterday was kind of interesting...i had a biology test so i went to school a bit early to study and ask questions...first of all i got a great parking spot which always puts me in a great mood..i got there on time also a plus..i even got a good seat this was gonna be a good day i cud tell. so i go to this review session and i know all the ansers BH and i leave early now i ahve extra time before the test so that i dont knowhwat to do reading over my niotes again..but at a certain point its coming outta your ears and u cant anymore..u know? fine i go take my test i finish in twenty minutes...there was this one section that u had to pick one of two questiosn to anser and u cud only do one...i always have a hard time picking. so first i did the first question i even pulled out my different colored (coloured) pens and made a whole pretty diagram..but then i looked at the second question and i thought maybe this one so then i did that one..and then i had to choose...tahst always teh hardest part..the first one i had some teeeny doubts abt the second i knew cold so i decided to go with that one and i had a huge thing written on top of the first question "IGNORE!" and on the second i wrote "USE THIS ONE" and i when went to turn it in i made sure i told the proffesor..i wanted to get graded for the right one!

wow..teh day just gets better and does this story as a blog topic...when u see me giving u all the details its a hint that im fishing for somethig that i can use the more details the more i have to work with..its all in the details right?..a topic for another after my test was over i head over to the library to answer the emials that were burning a hole in my inbox..i really dont like having un answered emials in me inbox..and i was being good and waiting till after my test was over to ansr i get there and im doing my thing and then i decide mnaybe i shud head home..go to the gym seeing as i didnt have any studyiing to im going to martanim ina pretty good mood my test went well BH the weather was boppin along to my music life is good i get to marta..reach into my pocket..ready for the climax..and my marta card is NOT THERE! this is not a theres been robberies so i took my wallet outta my bag that morning..i know bad move so i ahd not a cent with way of getting home..and this isnt touro where i can jiust borrow money from someone this is the heart of i call my parenst to come save i head back looking for my card around campus while my father comes to pick me up...BH my father comes to get me and drops me off at mother comes and takes me to pick up my car..come home daven and rush to the gym to make it at least for an hr...end of story one

ready for the earthshattering lesson? so we going back to the test...u saw taht one coming...two questions...two choices..come on i can resist..we are often face choices in fact it is in ouir Rabbi Brown says we do not have bechira..we are BOCHRIM..its who we are..its waht pushes us forwards..makes us spiritual beings..its what makes he diffrence between us and the person sitting next to me..our choices define us...good and bad we know..wrong and right..those arent decisions..thats not and white is not the yetzer hara's colors that for Bais yaakov deals in shades of grey...thats his playing field nad thats where our bhechira lies...between the iffy things in our when we have to make our the grey...if u are not in the position to in the middle of my test..which is for sure the right answer...then if going with what u know for sure is right..u never wud take a risk on ur grade so why with ur spiritual life..we need to make decison taht we are sure of....decisons taht we can say..yes i know what i am doing is right...

so taht was the first part..what abt losing teh marta card? well this ties in with my lab story and im running short of time so better make this in lab we are doing caffeine extractions from tea leaves so we have to boil these tea leaves in a 500ml flask for halfa n hr and put a stir bar in so it stirs itself and then while its doing taht we are supposed to go and do our weighing anbd measuring so im waiting in line cuz there are onnly three scales..and by the time i finish and come back..i see that my flask has bubbled looked a volcano experiment gone wrong but brown u know..cuz of the tea..anywyas i go to my TA im like..i have a disaster..she says no biggy just wash it out and start question why did it bubble over? cuz it was on a too high temp on too fast spin for too long it wasnt being watched but the solution was easy wash it out adn start over...
back to marta..its easy to spin outta control in these situations if our emotiosn are running high and fast and there is no check if ur not watching it then chances are ur gonna boil over..we need to keeo emotions in check especially in the upcomin holidays when everyone is running like a crazy person and u have no time to breathe as long as u remeber this mantra "its distressing not dangerous" this was something i learned in ninth grade..we need to keep our minds focused and clkear not high and marta...i lost my card..ok it was a potentially stressful situation and now its gonna cost me a lot to get to school without my pass..but its distressin not dangerous we need to learn to take things in stride..yes this may be annoying..frustrating..but its def not the end of the world..there are situations taht are dangerous and stress is an approriate response but those are few and far in bentween...
and one last thing in teh last 4 mins..
my dear friend gave me an idea that i cant ignore...when i was stuck..i wasnt so stressed out for one good reason i knew my parents woud come get me they wudnt leave me stranded..Hashem is our Father in heaven and He loves us..He wud never leave us stranded and He is always watching us...that shud in itself be a reason not to stress..its something we shud take comfort in...

as always we live in a world full of inspiration..look for it and ull see it
Shabbat Shalom


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