life..heat..and chromotagraphy

So..whats news with teh jews? the holidays are over and we're back to regular life - well those u had the lucky privlidge of having time off for the aforementioned my brother who is in yeshiva said..i feel like ive been on summer break and tom is my first day of school..well i did not have that lucky break. i was in school everyday taking notes with a shinuy no worries to the extent that after yom tov i was having a hard time writing normally again it actually took me a while..
so i was thinking taht maybe i shud take that strand and hit the ground running but i have a lab well say that one and see how it ur all groaning..another lab story..well tough..

my official orgo chem lab time is from 4:30-9:15 (i know right?) and usually im there till abt 7-7:15 and im outta there..sometimes if im lucky i get to the gym after..if im lucky..well last week i was there till 9:20! seriously i was going crazy! it was not a joke i was so annoyed but i finished two parts of my experiment so now i was gonna be ahead..hopefully...that what i thought anyway..basically we all have an unknown substance taht we have to identify which we do by doing diff experiments adn dtermining its physical and chemical characteristics and that will help determine its identity. last week we did an experiment taht divided a mixture based on its boiling point - low and took forevr cuz u wanted to get the exact point so it was a meticilous monotnous process (thats when i was sayiing my tehilim last week btw) BH i did the low and the high last week
this week the project was to put the diffrentiated materials (i hd like 13 vials) into a chromotagraphy machine which wud tell me exactly how well i seperated them..well i get into lab and i stick it into the machine and at first it seemed as if all my low boiler was contaminated and then i tried my high boilers they were all perfect! i was so excited but somehow my graph wasnt good so i just went to do it again but this time all my results were wrong! like really i try a few diff vials and they are all tehn my TA comes in and she tries it - something is def up then we try a diff machine..nothing..then she tries it agian..something REALLY odd looking..

so then she gets my proffesor who is teh head of teh department..he comes in,,maybe its acetone tahts messing it up..he tries it..somethinig is def rotten in the state of then he looks up my compound and sees that the problem is that the actuall setting on the machine is wrong in the machine taht im using its not seperating my compund its all coming up as then we try another one at diff this point its 830- ive accomplished absolutely nothing and hes like put it all away well start again next annoyed that nothiings happened and my TA is like- well this is science, u just have to try to diff things till it works, thast how disciveries are made..and about 5 secs ago i realized this is not just science- its life!

u see where i am goin with this? there are so many things i dont know where to start...and seeing as im here till 1130 instaed of the usal 9 i have plenty of time to get it all out..ill start from teh begining ...
we are all unknown compunds..initially at least..we are put in this world with a certain set of characteristics some physical some chemical/spiritual/emotional and they are given to us to try to figuire out what it is that our job in this world is..but not all of us are are self aware as we shud we are put thru "experiments" nisyonot..which help us determine who we really are..what it is that make us -us and when those components are identified we can figuire out what we are supposed to be doing- what we are supposed to be doing..and as in this particular experiment sometimes the heat has to be applied to purify to get the substance so its gonna get hot its gonna be uncomfortable..but then u know u get results..and as in this experiment its a slow process and we need to take things slowly if u wanna get true results if u rush it up...ur gonna have to start all over cuz ur results arent true. they are cvompromised and need to start over and once u get ur pure compund you know u wanna make sure u keep it sealed and free from contyaminants cus once it gets mixed with something impure thats it- ur messed uop gotta tsart all over. as my proffesor said- u never mix pure with diff our lives wud be if we took this lesson to heart! truly..we are given absolutely pure neshamos and then we go and mix in the impure..then its time to purify and that always takes heat- not so comfortable at 140 degrees celcius(which was the boiling point of my cmpd btw)

second point:
as soon as u saw boiling point that shudve been a red flag..really quickly..what is our boilin point- literally and figuratively. what makes us boil? how long does it take us to get really steaming? that is something that defines us " kiso kaaso koso" right? and what makes u boil lightly what makes u really steam (175 degrees was my high boiler -celsius that is) these are thing that we need to know we need to adress..cuz once we know what it is then we know what it is we need to fix..then we can actually start attemptin to fix it..

third point
the chromotaopgrahy machine...ther are ceratain traits that we want to change to fix to identify the root the we try the tried and true method..we try what everyone tells us is the way to do it..and somehow it doenst work..we do the same thing over and over again bcz "thast the way ur supposed to do it" but then again..maybe ur comopund is not for the right machine..maybe ur not meant to do it that very into the fact that we are all diff...we are all meant to serve Hashem using our strengths nad our weaknesses our chemical make up that makes us unique to serve Him..and sometimes that might mean taht we have to tweak the machine..change the entire mechanism..look at it diff till we figuire it out..and that takes time..much to mu chagrin on wednesday night ..but thats the truth..change takes time and to see the results take time..and we have to be patient..there are tried and true methods taht are known as such for a reason..and thats always where we shud start from but when that starts not lookin right thats when we head to the proffesor..we need to get teh expert opnion and then and only then can we change the settings..the machines we were using in lab cost 2000 dollars each so we were warned NO TOUCHING! lest we mess em up but then my proffesor came in and he fiddled changed stuff..only he can do that..our neshamos are worth waaaaay waaay waaaaaay more than that so with expert guidance we cannot fiddle we cannot change we cant make these decisons our selves obviously changes need to be made but once we see that what we are doin isnt workin then we need to go to the big boys..lehavdil..we need to go to the head of the department help us figuire out why the machine isnt doing what its supposed to be doing..

and it may seem that we are wasting can be annoying and down right frustrating but thats the way it is..there is no magic formula we have to do what we can and try to get through it smilin as much as possible knowing that we are doing all we can bz we need to learn and we need to experinec and if this class has taught me anythin its teh importance of patinece cuz u cant rush science and u sure cant rush enjoy it and love it..and they u will truly be alive!


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