What is she saying?

Boker Tov to all its a glorious day! Can u tell i just had a coffee?
was falling off my face so i decided to give my local starbucks a nice friendly visit..they were so happy to see me..its been an interesting morning interesting week..i woke up early this morning and was waiting around fir like 20 mins abt so i cud leave i was too tired to do anything scared to close my eyes for fear that i wud not open em again debated making coffee but my stomache was feeling strange so i decided against it- bad move hence the visit to starbucks...k now down to tachlis-stories of the week:
this one sticks out more than the others ready?
by now u all know my lab partner really well (just on a side note ive decided that every semester there is one thin that keeps popping up in the blog- last semester it was chem the one before that carrer development- this is why im in college..lol) so im sitting next to her in class and im writing BSD (in hebrew) on the top of my notes..she looks over and asks - is that hebrew? uhuh i say..are u fluent in hebrew she asks..pretty much i say- im ok...cud i translate something for me..me thinking she ahd something in hebrew that she wanted tranbslated into english said yea sure no prob..so then she proceeds to tell me taht previosly when she had borrowed my notes and was studyin at home her husband(the preacher) had noticed my hebrew writing on the top( bsd - the date) so he asks her..is that hebrew? where did u get that from? so she explains how i sit nect to her im jewish..etc..turns out they wanna get matching tatoos abt love/marriage and they dont know hwat passage exactly but they know t hey want it in hebrew...ie. she wants to bring me in something in english and me to translate into hebrew..at that point my teacher starts talking ad class starts..now my mind starts racing what in teh world did i get myself into? what if she brings me something outta mathhews..luke..anything of that genre..so at the end of class i kinda comment abt how my biblical hebrew really isnt as good as my modern hebrew trying to get out of it..so shes like oh itllbe something really small of course i wont know if u translate into something bad like "@#$@%" and im like..uhh i dont really know words like taht i learned hebrew in school they dont teach us that stuff..so then she says..im kidding what abt "that woman is psycho!" i laugh..im like that i can say..be nice to me she says and im laughing as im walking out..meanwhile im freaking out that im in waaaay over my head..

the next night i had my dreaded 5hr orgo chem lab..usually i leave around7ish tho the lab is called for till 915..the lab we had this week took forever adn a alot of patience my teacher said - u are all young and ur not gonna have the patience to do this right, ur gonna mess it up..and man i did not wanna mess it up so i sat there for hours just watching my contraption adn waiting...so as im sitting there doing nothing i pull out my tehilim and im sitting there and my TA comes up to me and says- what u reading? psalms i answer so shes like oh..psalms..uhhuh i say..shes like i cant read that im like yea..its hebrew..shes like thats so cool..yea i cant read that..
its amazing how often people come up to me when im saying tehilim while im waiting for marta or if im learning on marta adn they always look over at me..or come to me..is that hebrew? they ask and im like yea...oh thats so cool i love hebrew..like a suprising number of people..

so really whats the point of all those lovely stories? ive already given my "its cool to be jewish" spiel so whats diff this time? its amazing that we take what we have for granted and dont realize what we have and other people stare in amazemnt..we have this powerful tool of lashon hakodesh. its not another language..not just another set of words to memorize gramnmer rules (and their billions of exceptions) to learn u know what just occured to me this moment..maybe the reason lashon hakodesh has so many exceptions is to teach us a powerful lesson about our avodas Hashem. yes there are basic rules taht we all have to follow but each one of us is unique and therefore in a way an "exception" to the rule. we all know that halachos vary in different situations. based on each person's make up and personal situation one thing may be praise worthy for a certain individual and despicable of another person. there are rules taht we all have to follow, but there are exceptions bcz we are all diff have a diff purpose are given diff tools live in diff places so there has to be exceptions..otherwise we wud all be clones! (Hashem just put that in my head was not planning that..)

Back to what i was saying before..lashon hakodesh. its special, every letter has an essence a meaning the way its pronounced is definitiave of its meanng that doenst exist in any other language. and ther are certain concepts that just dont translate into english. i believe it was Bridging the Gap where R'Fertig comments on how important it is to learn things in the original hebrew, to daven in hebrew, we are hebrews that is who we are and being actively involvced in this pure lashon is something taht elevates a person. R'Fertig was saying that its crucial to learn the seforim in hebrew bcz so much is lost in translation- it just doesnt mean the same thing in english. the one example that i remmeber explicitly is the example of "emunah" which is normally translated as faith. faith is blind..blind faith is teh expression..we dont believe in blind faith. one is supposed to explore to ask questions to look deeply into the world, themsleves, adn ponder and think and ultmitaly the answer is obvious HASHEM! there is no other answer that is not blind. he brought down a posuk not sure excatly the wording but about moshe's hands being "neemanim" as he held them up during the battle ( i think) now does that mean his hands were faithful? did they have faith in moshe - that doenst make sense. neeman doesnt mean faith (it might mean ice coffee to you but thats a diff story alltiogether)
when things arent learned in its original so much is missed points are misconstrued, misinterpreted..its just not the way its meant to be..

i always feel that i have to put in a disclaimer- im not saying taht if someones level is not at the point where they can learn seforim in hebrew then there is nothin to gain from the transl;ations. teh translations are usually done by rabbanim who know what they are doing but make sure u check who the translater is...and keep in mind..there is stuff there that is the translater's interpretation of the original text so there is stuff that he added and stuff that is missing from the original. its impossible to accuratley convert a sefer from hebrew to english 100 perecnt...so just keep that in mind..

one last comment- u know how i said before how it seems that every semester there is one person/thing that keeps providing me with material? well think abt ur own life who do u keep running into? what lessons keep popping up? maybe itus a sign- maybe just maybe G-d is sending u a message? we need to see that G-d is talkin to us all the time..we juts need to listen and look and wel find HIm!


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