
Showing posts from January, 2010


k people if u read this before motzai shabbat then ur being gyped cuz i updated it ,motzai shabbat! so tell me waht u think!

its cold season!

So im posting a bit late this morning adn apparently having more difficulty than usual spelling correctly so please bear with i did not go to work this morning at the insistance of my dear father who decided i needed some rest..why you ask? well i have been playing with fever since tuesday so it was decided that i needed that one extra day to fully  recover. theres a whole story..(isnt there always?) my family has all been "under teh weather" for some time and every one was telling me that i needed to get out of the house..walk around with a mask..blah  blah blah..i obviously didnt do that but i did invest in a whole stock of lysol..lysol spray..cleanser forthe counter tops.everything anyone looked at was lysoled..and then tuesday i started not to feel to cool quite hot actually..checked my temp- 101.6..ok i can deal with it. now i am of the school of though that ur body has fever cuz its fighting an infection and if u take drugs to early then the infection wi...

a little creamer goes a long way!

so after last weeks fiasco of waking up waay too late this week i made sure to wake up on time more than just on time i got outta bed even before my alarm went off! and then when i realized that i still had time till my alarm went off (this is afetr netilas yadayim!) i went back to bed turned off three alarms and was oiutta bed by 514! (imagine whta time i got up initially!) anyways i got up did my stuff got dressed had no patience for contacts or straightenig my hair so that gives me about ten extra minutes in the morn! so by the time i leave my room get into the kitchen say brachos  - yes i remmebered- make coffee turn on the car..i have extra time! but then i realize with horror after the coffe was already brewed that i had finihsed the creamer the night and it the new carton was frozen! so i quicky start streaming hot water on top trying to get it to melt just a little amnt for my morning coffee i do not drink black coffe! so im streaming hot watre and then i have t...

just btw

please tell me what u think of the new desgin i was playing aroiudn with differant ideas this week so let me know...also peeps please use the comment section at teh bottom i love getting feedback about posts..positive and negative...have a great shabbat!

to panic or not to panic? that is the question

well well..this is the first time in a long time that im postng from the actual gym btwn holiday season and teh snow..well i just havent been here which is fine for me! but now that im what? well so much has happened this past week..i started school, played endlessley with my blog appearance and now as of five secs ring broke..this morning i set three alarms to get up ..when the first one went off (at 515) i decided i wasnt gonna do my hair (it fits in a pony now!) so i turned it off then the second one went off i decided no contacts ill wear my glasses thank you very much ( taht also means no make up) turn off alaram and with the last one i decided just to wear a sweatshirt and not actually get dresses turned that one off..and went back to sleep..with what seemed like an eternity later i jumped up..OMG what time is it? i never reset the alarm or snoozed it i just turmed it off..i was panicked as i desperately grabbed for my it was only 533..i wasnt terribly...

it actually snowed!

So..last week i was in Charlotte, NC and here i am sitting at home looking out my window adn marveling at teh snow! BH yes we have snow here! and due to the lovely snow u didnt have to go to work..i did nevertheless have to wake up at 530 to go out and check if teh roads were icy and therby unfit for driving..Bh there were unfit so i lazily got outta bed aroudn tenish how great is that? anyways i took my GREs yesterday and i was thanking my lucky stars that BH i blog every week otherwise i dont know how id manage the essay portion. namely bcz it has to be typed which obviously not my greatest talent so i have gotten much better at touch typing with teh advent on IM and blogging another great thing was that blogging did that made the essay part so much the practice of taking something anything any concept forming an opnoin on it adn then being able to go on and on about it for the length of a proper essay..though remembering how to write formally was a challenge in itself but...

the cold can give u a cold!

So what am I writing about this week? so much to say it's been a week and a half since I've posted and so much has hapened in between so what to say what to say?well i am currently experiencing a cold..a cold u ask..yea a cold me in my sheer brilliance went to the great city of manhattan without a scarf adn normally this wudnt be such a problem..except that it is the winter and it was like twenty something degrees plus a wind that cud blow u away..and im not thast easy to blow so i didnt think about it much but then the nxt day i noticed a serious cough situation going on (like a smokers cough ya know?) and then my throat started hurting and yes here i am sipping tea as i post ..i never thought u cud actually get sick from the being teh bio major i am alkways saying that it has to be a bacteria/virus something that comes into ur body and then u get sick ur body isnt gonna get sick simply cuz it got cold..or so i used to think adn i never believed anyone wh...