its cold season!

So im posting a bit late this morning adn apparently having more difficulty than usual spelling correctly so please bear with i did not go to work this morning at the insistance of my dear father who decided i needed some rest..why you ask? well i have been playing with fever since tuesday so it was decided that i needed that one extra day to fully  recover. theres a whole story..(isnt there always?) my family has all been "under teh weather" for some time and every one was telling me that i needed to get out of the house..walk around with a mask..blah  blah blah..i obviously didnt do that but i did invest in a whole stock of lysol..lysol spray..cleanser forthe counter tops.everything anyone looked at was lysoled..and then tuesday i started not to feel to cool quite hot actually..checked my temp- 101.6..ok i can deal with it. now i am of the school of though that ur body has fever cuz its fighting an infection and if u take drugs to early then the infection will never be i refused any tylenol, advil, i was gonna let my body fight it out..first came teh chills then the heat waves..

but i was adamant..then my parents came home took one feel of my forehead adn made me take my was now 102.8 now that is crazy and even i wasnt gonna refuse meds now..but it wasnt just was three advil, two tyelonol three hours later, cold compresses..the whole shebang..and i was in bed but who was i kidding there was no way that i cud fall asleep at ten! so im reading talking to my parents,,then nxt morning and quite a few pills later i was bh much better! but somehow as teh sunset my temp rose..and again teh nxt was really strange during sunlit hours i was completely fine but after shkiya..thats it man my fever was back! but bh last nigt i didnt take anything and here i am typing..trying to find something meaningful to say based on my lovely experiences...

well teh first thing is so obvious i feel kinda silly saying it but i guess il go ahead and do it anyway! here i was sorrounded by microbes, viruses of all kinds..bacteria infecting ;lungs, throat..back headaches..i mean if u think of it we had it! and here i was thinking that it wudnt effect me! i have a strong immune system i recall saying..and its not like i wasnt defending myself i had invested in lysol and stuff adn i was using it..but then again i was trying to help everyone get better even teasing my bro, tickling him getting quite close to the sourec of infection but did i think about it twice? nope i didnt think about it twice and when people mentioned masks and moving out..well i scoffed but truth be told it was already too late..i was already coming down with chills at that point..this is so chiddush..we living iin a microbe infested world! everywhere we go there is an infection lurking at the corner! and we know has to be deaf,dumb and blind to be oblivious of the dangers of the world today..but what do we do about it? do we wear masks and move out? or do we arm ourselves with lysol and vitamin c and then decide we are safe? do we stay as far away as possible or do we come right up to its face and smile? say hey man whats up? (obviuously not everyones choice of words..)now i know that its not excatly for all of us to get up and leave..(where wud we go?) but i think there is something to the mask idea..

some of us are lucky enuf to be in an all jewish setting to go to a jewish college and to be at least insulated that way but not all of us are that lucky but even those aforementioned lucky ones still have to venture out once in a how do arm ourselves? do we battle superviruses with a little handsanitizer? or do we take more drastic action? im just saying my thought process on this and if u disagree..please thinking when u hit the city..bring ur ipod and have ur shwekey, chaim yisrael, whatever ur choice in your ears..dont give the dangerous bacteria a chance to come one -pre-emptive strike. we all have normal flora..bacteria that lives in our body taht protect us from invading bacterua and the way it works is that if something is already there then the other bacteria has no where to land it has no food to eat cuz something else is already there..this is the danger of being on anti-biotics it kills your normal flora as well as teh dangerius bacteria thats why one has to be especially careful when on antibitocs not to catch any germs bcz they are doubly suceptible of getting sick so they have to be make sure that there is always soemthing there to prevent teh landing of the bacteria.have something filling ur ears taht are good so u dont have to hear whats on teh something that is good for your neshama rather than wait for teh need to read or see something not so good comes in and takes teh is limited and its on a first come first serve we need to make sure that our basis our covered..literally..

before we go out we have to asses teh danger..what is it that i am going to be exposed to..loshon hara, heresy (evolution anyone?) inapproriate music, behavior, speech? the list is endless! and we know that we are going to have to deal with it. we dont live ina  ghetto..but we have to make ourselves our neshamas a mikdash me-at..we have to make ourelves a mask..protect our neshamas from the infections lurking..

now teh only thing worse than thinking that ur fine with the having the infection and thinking taht u can fight it off alone! i was sitting there on the couch..shivering literally blanket, sweatshirt, space heater blowing on me..freezing! adn then two minutes later my face was in boiling i cant handle  it..but no i was being stubborn i was sticking to my guns adn im letting my body get this- who needs tylenol, tylenol is for wimps! and i refused to take anything adn my parents knew better than to argue with me- i had my medical education and there is no way that anyone was gonna convince me - plus i am known to be a bit we are an am kshei oref  right? and that can be a good thing when standing up against the goyim but right now..maybe not the best time..fine later im heading to bed and i take my temp and lo and behold maybe i did need the medicine..and i felt like i was conceding, giving in, hanging my head in defeat but i knew that it was something that i had to do..when we ar faced with infection and when it gets past the mask (if it was there to begin with..) we cant just think that we can deal with it..maybe we can maybe we cant..

we have to get our temp checked my a objective source..llike that past few days my fever has been hovering at a hundred at that temp i stopped taking drugs and let my body deal with had the strength for that but at 102.8?! thats juts plain idiocy if i sit there refusing to take anything as my parents said- it can start affecting ur brain and no one wants that! and teh same is with teumah! we all have a certain level of outside influence that we are prepared to deal with and that we can handle. but we have to have an objective measuring stick that says-  now gf u need help! there are times when we alone can decide what teh proper course of action is to get rid of a certain influence or behaviour that has entered but when it gets to a certain point - at 102.8- then maybe its time to look outside for help, be it a friend, mechancehet, parent, rav, husband..the list is endless but u need to have someone taht will work for teh eight hours at a time! the one taht will be there for you and make sure u get thru thr fever and make sure ur a better person when u come out than when u started! everytime a bacteria is introduced into ur system.. it takes a while for teh body to build an immune response but once is there..its there forever! tahts why people get vaccines so that in case chas'vshalom they got introduced to polio then the army is waiting in the body to take em down! and thats the way it sis when we pass a nisayon we build an army inside us to deal with it in case we are ever exposed to the same thing!

kay- one last thing and im done! i promise! the fever came only at night- now anyone medically involved knows that this is not a good thing! but of course i ignored that bit but thats besides the point. the point is that often we see that things that dont seem tempting at all during teh course of the night somehow have a pull over us that we cant explain. like somehow we think that no one is watching we are hidden by the darkness that is night but deep down we all know the truth! and somehow nights are just so enticing..and its only at night and during the day we do our regular thing so we have to make sure that we take our multi-vitamins and pro-actively stop the fever, the infection from hitting us at the most vulnerable time of the day..we need to be prepared for the long night that we will stock up peeps..teh night is coming really soon!


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