the cold can give u a cold!

So what am I writing about this week? so much to say it's been a week and a half since I've posted and so much has hapened in between so what to say what to say?well i am currently experiencing a cold..a cold u ask..yea a cold me in my sheer brilliance went to the great city of manhattan without a scarf adn normally this wudnt be such a problem..except that it is the winter and it was like twenty something degrees plus a wind that cud blow u away..and im not thast easy to blow so i didnt think about it much but then the nxt day i noticed a serious cough situation going on (like a smokers cough ya know?) and then my throat started hurting and yes here i am sipping tea as i post ..i never thought u cud actually get sick from the being teh bio major i am alkways saying that it has to be a bacteria/virus something that comes into ur body and then u get sick ur body isnt gonna get sick simply cuz it got cold..or so i used to think adn i never believed anyone who said otherwise..yet now i have been converetd..and what is it that i learned froom this experience..

it is the fact that when people of authority tell u something its usually coming from experience and its not being said cuz they hate you or dont like u its ususally said in love..when we are little our parents tell us dont do this dont do that adn we think its cuz tehy dont like us they dont want us to have fun its cuz they like having the power whatever it is whatever the exvuse we put up in our brains adn we vehemtyly believe it but as we get older we start to appreciate that they did what thgey did to take care of us adn to make sure we grow up nice and healthy..and the same is true of our gedolim..
its not that they want us to be bored have no lives no friends when they say dont listen to non-jewish music its not that they want us to suffer..they tell us the consequences but as i did..we dont believe them..that doesnt apply to me we say adn we carry on ourlives im not listening to anything bad its just fun, there is nothing wrong and we keep going ..they tell us that it messes with our nehsma they tell us facebook is bad they tell us all these things and we are loath to believe them..theyre just sayin these things its not really doesnt apply to me that is the mantra we keep repeating to ourselves everytime a rav gets up adn gives a passionate speach abt the evils of the internet, fb, non-jewish muisc, movies, tv alll these things are such tempationas and in our lives yet we dont or cant stop whatver behavior (behaviour) it is so we say taht it doenst apply to us then one day..BAM it hits you and here u are in a place taht u nevert wanted to be a place they warned u ud end up in if u dont heed their words..yet u ignored it chose not to believe it and now that uve landed there..u have no choice but to believe it!

when i decided to stop listening to non-jewish music i just didnt bcz it was something i knew had to be done and they always sayu it messes with ur nesham a but i didnt believe it yet i found that after i stopped it was so much easier to daven, to see Hashem in my everyday life it really opens ur heart up adn when i hear it at the gym ..yes its still hard but i know I KNOW that its not someting for me

now im not saying that im doing everything thast asked of me and im not saying that i nevr go onine , online is my one constant adress but im aware and ive seen that it can really take u places u never in ur wildest night,mares thought ud end up..there are truths to teh gedolims word and u dont need me to tell u that but we do need to be aware that they are not totally out of touch with us and our temptations they reeally do get it and they hear more stories than we can imagine they have the experience anc bcz they love us klal yisraerl they dont want to see us fall adn get hurt so they warn us and its up to us to heed their warning or suffer the conseqeunces..


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