it actually snowed!

So..last week i was in Charlotte, NC and here i am sitting at home looking out my window adn marveling at teh snow! BH yes we have snow here! and due to the lovely snow u didnt have to go to work..i did nevertheless have to wake up at 530 to go out and check if teh roads were icy and therby unfit for driving..Bh there were unfit so i lazily got outta bed aroudn tenish how great is that? anyways i took my GREs yesterday and i was thanking my lucky stars that BH i blog every week otherwise i dont know how id manage the essay portion. namely bcz it has to be typed which obviously not my greatest talent so i have gotten much better at touch typing with teh advent on IM and blogging another great thing was that blogging did that made the essay part so much the practice of taking something anything any concept forming an opnoin on it adn then being able to go on and on about it for the length of a proper essay..though remembering how to write formally was a challenge in itself but that besides the point...oh kay now im really drawing a blank..i was in bed thinking about how i had such a great post and i was gonna connect all these ideas..obviously the One above has other plans so im gonna re-route (think of ur gps)

K i think i have somethin and well see how it goes..this morning i woke up five thirty adn called becky to see what teh story was and if i have to go to the shes like well let me check the tv..then shes says do u mind going out and seeing if the roads are really i get all bundled up treck outside down the hill of my driveway..and i lean down to touch the street and i dont have much experience with this kind of weather adn im like..uhh becky there is crystalized water on the ground..does that count as ice..shes like are there cars driving and im like uhh no..are there cars usauly? yes..i say ..k fine lets say were gonna open at 8..but can u get there at like 730 to warm up the place..sure im saying tho im just let me sleep in today..anywyas somehow 730 rolls around without me realizing and  i hear my father saying that its icy outside adn there is no way that im driving in taht weather..i call becky and she hems adn haws about whether or not to open..and finally she decided taht shes gonna close till furtehr notice..then she calls me later to say well maybe the weather is getting warmer teh sun is coming out teh bagel shop nxt door had customers fitness is open..mayeb we shoud be..anyways she decided to open at 12 which absolved me of all dutues and allowed me to nu shayhcus to anything ur wondering..

we all encounter situations taht we are  not familiar with..this is something new..when any new piece of technology comes out we try (or the gedolim anyways) try to decided why is it that we were given this - is it given to us my Hashem to do His will in an easier fashion or is it given from the dark side from the Satan to make it easier for us to stray from HIs will, His of the things that i wrote about on the GRE was the concept of ayn chadash tachat hashemesh there is nothing may seem new but in the end of the day its all from something its coming from one of two places, is it coming from a place of kedusha or tumah? but how are we supposed to know? so we go out and check it out...not without protective gear ( never mind that i went out in naot without socks..) but normal people wud go out in a coat,  hat, gloves, boots..and only  once they are propely armed do they head out to to unknown to see what it holds for them...

adn once u get out there adn you are analyzing this unkown situation u have to be able to relate it to what u do know otherwise u have no chnace of grasping it ( its an old learning concept-assocoiation with waht u already know will help you integrate it better and faster..) to me i see ice usually in my water..or in the freezer not on the streets so im touching the ground and it feels like ice, crystalized water anyway..k this must be ice..not good for driving..was my conclusion..and i went to bed..but that wasnt the end of it...teh issue was not put to rest at differnt points i was re-checking, re-evaulaating..constantly on top of this foreign situation making sure that we were dealing with it the best way we cud regardless of how LA fitness was dealing with it and how bagel palace was dealing with it..we werw dealing the situation with the best way we cud due to our circumstances..and kacha zeh bechayim..

when we are faced with somethig new...we need to be constantly checking that it is i dealing with it in the proper way due to my personal experience, my hashkofot, my life, my standards..just bcz someone else is doing it doesnt mean that it something that i too shud be doing..and sometiems what its ok for me isnt for someone esle adn we shud never judge other people..u may be equipped with teh four-wheel drive but teh other person may have a '87 chevy that just isnt gonna cut it..we all have our own tools that we are given to deal with every situation that Hashem present us with..adn we need to use what we are given to it safe for me to venture in adn if at first ur not sure then check, and check agian and  then consult with someone in a similar situation as u and bounce ideas off them adn try to figuire it out..bcz in the end of the day u want to be safe and u wanna be healthy and as much as i wannt to go to the gym adn workout..i dont wanna die getting there cuz of the much as we want to be involved in society and be update in all technological advances we dont want to hurt our neshama on teh way its just not worth evaulate and check..and drive safe!

(anothet idea fast taht has nothing to do with the first one - as i was re-routing i realized that in itself is a lesson- that we may want to go in a certain path, and were sure taht its gonna be great and really fantabulous but He has other plans and He makes u go in a  differnt direction meaning to get a whole differnt lesson then the one u intended but maybe more powerful and needed than the original- just a thought i cud flesh it out ..but u get the idea ive written enuf essays in the last 24 hrs..)


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