
Ahhhhhhhhhh...So it's over!! For a while now anyway... The sleepless nights pouring
over my despised chemistry book.. It's done!
And somehow I'm remarkably awake ( it may have to do with the music
blasting in my ears...)

Yesterday I went to Starbucks looking for a change of scenery from my
room...and I started loading up the caffeine hey I get free refills
why not? So after my third one the dude told me I had enough so I
changed to tea for the next two refills and I walked out with a venti
ice coffee to help me get through the rest of the night...
Thing is though.. I never finished it- it's actually sitting on my
desk right now and I was getting ready to leave this morning I
contemplated making a coffee.. But I couldn't even stomach the idea of
it- it was past the point of too much... The mere mention of " latte" makes my stomach curdle...

This is classic case of " too much of a good thing." one or two coffee
would've been nice and believe me at 12 am when I was wrestling my brother
it came in handy but I felt myself crash from the high.. And I crashed
hard around 430 am..

you know that feeling when you are exuding caffeine from your pores..you wonder how much blood is in your coffee stream..you feel like everyone around you is feeding off your morning coffee..it may be detox time.

the first though that occurred to me as i contemplated my current matzav was this is what the classic mashal  is to doing kiruv, you know the one that says that you should be like a cup if you keep filling it with water then it will eventually overflow to the cups around it. If you keep pouring more and more Torah into yourself then it will eventually over flow to others the ultimate result is passive kiruv.

now i don't know if this exactly works with caffeine but how cool would that be. If you didn't have to actually drink the coffee but you could get high off the person sitting next to you? (not coke high but awake high) but this concept does play out in many other areas.

I've definitely noticed that you become the people you hang out with. You obviously not become identical but you start talking the same way, you use the same facial expressions and your smiles even become similar. it is a scary phenomena for this applies clearly to both middos conducive to growth as well as those not. (there is no such thing as a bad midda it just has to be channeled correctly). They say smiles are contagious and they are always right so they must be right in this instance as well. Smiles can spread like wildfire.

(I believe there was a motion made, a worldwide project called pay it forward. How one thing a person does, one kindness one smile, can have such far reaching effects.)

"oy lerasha oy leshchayno; kanya lecha chaver " the Mishna warns us explicitly to be careful exactly who we hang out with. Cuz nothing in life is pareve. Its either milchigs or fleishigs. We can make any opportunity to bring ourselves closer to Hashem or it will bring us down ..life is a down escalator right? if we are not going up then you know that you are going down.

so the  responsibility is two-fold. one is to make sure that we surround ourselves with people who will inspire us and bring the best out of us. This is crucial for we all know the importance of a good peer group. The second is to be that good friend. to be a good role model. We make a difference in the world and we have a responsibility to make sure the cup is over flowing with kindness, spirituality warmth and happiness We must make ourselves a source of comfort to those around. When we smile more, the people around us will henceforth smile more. When we pick our words more carefully, avoiding crass language..that will lead to those around us speaking with more refinement.,

there is a story of the Chofetz Chaim who set out to change the world and he realized that the only way to do that was to change himself. just by changing ourselves we can make a world of a difference. Literally.

PS.this was started last week as i ended finals..


  1. Congratulations on being done with finals and on surviving Chemistry!

    You make a very good point about how we pick up the habits and the tendencies of the people around us. I find that it's very hard to "surround ourselves with people who will inspire us and bring the best out of us." For me, I became friends with my friends because of certain circumstances- I was in school with them or we lived near each other. Sometimes you can actively seek out certain people to try to be their friend and not others, but for the most part most of my friends I just ended up being friends with just cause we met and got along and just ended up spending more time together, it wasn't something that I thought out and planned and actively chose.

  2. I wrote a post about friends a while a go..http://aminspiration.blogspot.com/2010/02/tne-21st-century.html
    there are friends that you grew up with that u dont chose, but we do choose which relationships we want to develop and deepen and in that decision we have to be very careful!


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