Where are you going now?

Europe, England..France..Scotland...Oh the places you will go!

London was my original destination and from there i was going to have this fabulous European vacation jetting off to Paris, for sure going to hit Scotland...but then plans change. Ticket prices changed..So France was out of the question and then still with the hope of Scotland on the horizon that plan was dashed seeing as it decided to freeze over and snow mountains so in England I am to stay. Still, man, I am in ENGLAND! i was definitely not moping.

This week we planned on hitting Cambridge and seeing the old English city and the university and all that is British..but as i have seen time and time over again

You want to see G-d laugh..make a plan

Somehow we managed to get supremely lost..and Baruch Hashem i don't have to drive in England..insane streets and they drive on the other side of the road..anyways we spent ages trying to find the right path, the right combination of complicated highway...stopped a few times to get directions...and then after driving and driving we saw a sign for Windsor..fine we'll do Windsor Castle we meant to do that anyway. We soon stopped seeing signs for Windsor and we were back to square one.. 

After driving just a bit more..we saw signs for Hampton Court (the palace of Henry the VIII.) This was to be our final destination.. We got to Hampton Court and we toured the palace as many a distinguished guest before us had and met the king himself and had ourselves a grand ole time. Really had such an incredible time walking through and spinning and  twirling through Mary's apartments and taking pictures in the gorgeous garden and trying to find my way through a maze...

its really funny how things turn out. We expect that life will turn out a certain way..you think you will end up a certain place with a certain group of friends doing a specific job in a field that you had decided upon when you where 17. But things don't often come out the way we expect them to. The world doesn't always go according to the script on your head. I never dreamed that the friends i have today are the ones who would be my nearest and dearest. If you had asked me five years ago what i thought my life would be like and who and where and what the answer would vastly defer from my reality today.

we have two options..try to fight G-d and His plan or to concede and accept the diverted path with open arms. I'm not saying that if something hard happens in one's life it is easy to just accept it all as the good that Hashem gives us. We need to train our minds. We makes millions of plans everyday and some workout the way we want and some not. Some big and some small. Like anything it takes practice to have this attitude in life. Its the easiest to start with the small things that do not always go our way.  If we take those opportunities to submit our wills to His..to take the chance to say Hashem this is Your world and Your will is righteous and just...then when it comes to the really hard things...the difficult times that really test our emunah...we will already know what to do and it will be that much easier.

turns out...when we got home hours of traffic later..the news came in that BH we had not gone to Cambridge for there were serious student riots there complete with police arrests...Total Hashgacha Pratis that we had not gone otherwise we would have gotten involved and maybe get arrested ( you never know right?)

It doesn't always turn out so nicely and then you don't always see the happy ending of the story. Its nice when you see the workings behind the tapestry but we don't always get the sneak peak. Every moment of life is serious HP whether we see the happy ending or not. Every second of traffic, every missed light., every late train and every spilt coffee..There is always a reason and even when we don't see the reason its always there.

We must remember that its not us running the show, there is a Director who manages the events in this world from above. We must play our roles as well as we can but we cannot insist on sticking to the script that we think we are supposed to follow if we have yet to get the updated version. Just smile and remember that He loves you and everything that happens is a result of that love.


  1. First of all, hope you are enjoying your vacation - I'm sure it's well deserved!

    I totally agree with what you wrote - the importance of strengthening our emunah in the little things so that when a bigger test comes our way, we are able to have that rock solid faith that Hashem is in charge and it makes accepting it a little easier.

    Thanks for this post!

  2. Thanks..vacation is waay over and real life is bigger and better than ever :D


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