Full Body Scanner

That's it! I am willing to put up with a lot when it came to my laptop..the noise..the slowness..its fine its ok i kept telling myself. But this was the straw that broke the camel's back..the wifi stopped working..and any blogger knows that without wifi..without net on your machine..its just a hunk of metal..who cares that you can type on it..you do not have the world at your fingertips anymore and that is simply crippling.

So i took the plunge and i am now the proud owner of a new laptop that doesn't make noise, is fast and has an integrated cam! ( yea my old one was that old that it didn't) So as i was setting up my PC and downloading all the necessary programs..skype..chrome..AVG..all the biggies...The computer i bought came with some anti-virus software and when you are first setting up the comp it keeps reminding you that you need to be protected before you go online..there is so much stuff out there that can attack your hard drive that you must be sure that the proper walls are set up.

Even before i did anything..I mean the first thing i did was install AVG and right away the program insisted doing an initial scan. I had been online a total of ten minutes maybe..maybe..and BAM its scan  time. You don't know what could have filtrated into your computer during those few unprotected moments.

R' Wallerstein always says that there is a reason its call the NET. It traps us, it captures us and all our info our neshamot..our time our attention. It is a net. But we can protect ourselves from the dangers that lurk. Obviously i cannot tell people to get off when it is obviously something that i do and i enjoy the benefits that it provides..but at the same time we have to be wary when walking in this minefield. We have to do a self scan right at the beginning and throughout the time we are on. Is this malware to my life? Is this something i want to be spending time with? Is this the person i want to be?

this does not only apply to the net. it applies to anything we do. Before we take upon something new do we do a scan? Is this for me? Is this bringing me to a place that I want to be? Does it bring me closer to perfection? Before we start the day we need to do a full body, brain, and heart scan. How is today gonna make a difference? How is this day going to count? and at the end of the day...we do another scan..a cheshbon hanefesh if you will...how did i spend this day? What mistakes did i make? What positive things did i do? What can i glean from today to make tomorrow better?

So how do you check? Do you check? What detectors have been put in place? In which areas do you feel there needs to be more checking?

may any inspiration from this post be a zechut for the  refuah sheleimah of ASHER BEN GOHAR 


  1. I like this one.... i got a response post for you...

  2. Oy vey. According to R' Wallerstein, it's probably called the web because we get stuck in it...

  3. Rachelli- i cant wait to read it!

    LawSchoolDrunk- that sounds like something he would say..all in all i think its pretty well known that hes not the biggest fan of internet not to mention FB :p

  4. the truth is that doing full scans on myself scares me because i know i'm going to have to change course...it's seems easier neglect the scan, at times

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you for post ! I find it useful for me...I can see here you have put your best efforts here to explain everything in the front of peoples. Fascinating post.

  7. id scanner- thanks for coming by..glad you enjoyed..

  8. Wow, that's a great post with a great message!


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