Its Not Your Business

I learned this piece from Nefesh Shimshon which I thought was supremely powerful so I just thought I would share.

In the middle of the insanity that was leading up to WWII someone asked the Brisker Rav zt"l "what will be?"
The Rav replied: " what will be does not matter to me. I only need to know what is permitted to do and what is forbidden to do."

In our generation we often ask ourselves what will be? The answer is ITS NOT OUR BUSINESS! That is up to Hashem to decide. Hashem makes the world go round. The only thing that is our business: what is permitted to do, and what is forbidden to do. 

This is harsh. It is hard to hear and even harder to implement practically.

Just something to think about


  1. Very powerful. I recently learned something along the same lines:
    what WILL be shouldn't concern us. What should concern us is: "what does HaShem want from me right NOW?" Because we're always in the present :)

  2. we are always in the present. or rather we should be, but we spend waay too much time lingering in the past or yearning for the future.

  3. Woah! That's very strong but very true.

    Thanks for the reminder.


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