
I crossed something else off my bucket list. I got a tattoo. Obviously not a real one, though now that i have it, i really like it, i probably would make it permanent if i could. But i i guess ill be sticking to henna. :)

I'm sure you all noticed my last post. It was not exactly upbeat and hopeful. Thank Gd I am feeling a lot better. Hanging with a friend always lifts my spirits. Oh, and I got this tattoo ;). I have always wanted to. Every summer my family would go on vacation and i would want to get one but my parents always said that it would not be appropriate, what would people say?!! Now for this first time in my life, there is no one to answer to, no community watching as i walk bye..So who cared? I went for it.

I took me a while to decide what to get, but i gravitated towards this. It means strength. I was in a desperate need for strength. I used to pride myself in my strength, both physical and spiritual. But lately its all become quite flabby in place of the toned tight muscles i like there to be.

I feel rejuvenated. BH. I was reading this book called "Crown Him In Joy"  I'm pretty sure it looked like some evangelical missionary book, but really its a sefer by R'Margolin abut approaching the Yomim Noraim in Simcha.

 ( on a complete side note, i was learning R'Pincus on Yomim Noraim and this guy in my class asks me if i can read hebrew sefarim and understand and i said..umm which he responds..i didn't think girls could do that..i was so mad..RUDE!)

For now this little ink on my arm is actually helping. It looks cool - i think- and it reminds me that i can be strong.

Be strong and prosper


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