Ground Hog Day

This post isn't particularly inspirational. Sorry.

My life has turned into a special kind of hell designed specifically for me. I am basically repeating the last two years of my life. Sitting through some of these inane lectures were sheer torture the first time around..the second time around i am infinity more cynical and every minute is cruel and unusual punishment and should be illegal in accordance with the Constitution.

Yes I am venting. Yes I know that this is the  best thing for me, but as my friend so eloquently put it today..just because you know that its the best for you it doesn't make it any easier.

I have no doubt that it will get challenging again. I have no doubt that I will soon be looking fondly upon these days of plenty...but for now I am just annoyed and bored. I should be using this time to get a head start on the hard stuff and I am..but today is a gorgeous day..and i spent a good portion of it in a classroom with 70 other people in a room with no air conditioning and professors who think they are funny and classmates who are over achievers and are asking questions that have no relevance to what we are doing.

welcome to my life

when i made the decision to start over I knew it would be hard, it would be a strain financially, it would be frustrating to sit in a class when i already had so much clinical experience. I cut a person open for heavens sake! The entire summer i was dreading school beginning again. It is waaay worse than i thought it would be.


such fun!


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