Being an Adult

"So we talked all night about the rest of our lives
where we're gonna be when we turn 25" 

Did i ever think that this is where I would be when I turned 25? Single-probably i was always very cynical about getting married and never thought i would get engaged at 19..but c'mon..remember those older singles..that's me now! As for career wise..did i think I would be repeating PA school? 

It actually just occurred to me that it is almost 2014..i was supposed to graduate and be an official practicing Physician's Assistant come 2014. and that thought made me a little sad. Alas, here I am sitting in first semester classes, trying not to be too bored. 

But as quick as that thought came I also realized..that no- i was not supposed to graduate in 2014..i may have thought that i was supposed to graduate in 2014..but the proof is in the pudding. If i was supposed to be graduating I would be.. Gd clearly has other plans for me. 

But back to being an adult..being an adult means taking responsibility. Responsibility for your decisions  for your life, for your happiness, for your an adult. Face the world as an adult. As a mature, responsible adult. 

Unfortunately, that point seems to be lost on most of people. Myself included at times. I have spent too long looking to others for my own personal happiness and that is simply unacceptable. If one's happiness is dependent on anything outside of oneself..then you are putting yourself at the mercy of things that you have no control over whatsoever. That is just plain..dumb frankly. 

Being an adult, means taking charge of your life. Making decisions that make you who YOU want to be. Decisions that make YOU happy. No one can make you happy, but you. 

And that is the one lesson, that has taken me about 25 years to learn, and I am glad that I have. 


  1. This is such a good post. And I love the quote you added-it's so true!
    A person will be happy when they are happy with themselves and the choices they make.
    May you be able to find true happiness-within yourself-and keep it forever!


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