Are you ready to fly?

Fine, my body is programmed to be typing right now, though im dead tired a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!
So what to write about this week? i was actually thinking the same thing last night as i was trying to fall asleep! No crazy stories this week though I flew twice. Maybe thats the crazy story!
I dont know how many pple know, but i flew into ny on sunday morning on a standby flight,(i know with my history what was i thinking?!) and was there till mon night at which point i drove down to lkwd for a wedding  wedding, though we were late i got there for the kabalat panim and the entire chuppa, B'H. the wedding was a blast, everyone who didnt show up seriously missed out, we danced thenight away, bc girls with and without shaitels alike! at the end of the wedding we stayed for the mitzva tantz and at that point i was starving plus i had a 6:15 flight to catch the next morning(again standby) so a few of us went out to eat
i dont know if you can appreciate this bu tthere is now where in outta town  that you can go out to eat at 12:30 at night but in lkwd eer hatorah there is so i had a steak sandwich at 12:45 followed by onion rings yea i know this is probably grossing u out right now, but hey, im sephardi plus i was starving!
so i get abt 1hr and 40 mins of sleep before i have to wake up and head to the airport. B"H i made the flight, landed at 845 and was home abt 10:00. I traveled roughly six hours. i was exhausted, tired and still had to go to skewl taht afternoon, but hey that sounds abt right when talking abt my life.
Now that i have hopefully sufficiently entertained you, i want to share some words of wisodm i read on a starbucks cup:
The irony of commitment is
that its deeply liberating in
work, in play, and in love
the act frees you from the tyranny of yoiur
internal critic, from the fear that likes
to dress up and parade as rational hesitation.
to commit is to remove your head as the
barrier to your life!

SO what does this all mean, to me it reminds me of the chazal that says that who is truly free? one who spends all his time in limud hatorah. When we commit fully to Hashem and teh torah it is at that point taht we are truly free. when we give ourselevs totally to the creator of teh world, it is then that the weight is lifted and we have wings. when we try to take control and ignore Him, that is when we are slaves. we are slaves to society, to our yetzer hara, to our needs amd desires. they weigh us down, trapping us in this world., to be truly free we must commit! we live in an age of commitment issues. divorce rate is through the roof, pple live in apartments not houses. everyone's cars are on lease, al;ways waiting for something better to come along, to scared to commit. ever wonder why its so easy to go across the world, to change your car,m change the dishes (disposable has taken over!")
pple have a fear of commitment cuz they thionk that means that u cant change, your stuck! but when we commit to a change thats when we are truly free, the weight has been lifted and we can soar cuz we have commited to something that is deep and never-ending. when we choose a path of torah and kedusha, we are choosing a life that is never static, that is never ending, it is constantly moving and growing allowing us to change in the best way possible!
Torah is what frees us, are you ready to fly?


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