Are you sleeping?

dont know how many of yall know that on fridays i wake up at 5:30 in the morning to my first job of the day~ i open the gym, im the one that comes in in the morning turns on all the lights adn i vacuum and then i just sit there for three hrs bcz there is nothing else to do. i check my email, check out the kotel i learn a little and i type to you today as usual i came in and did what i usually do but then i came by the computer and there was nothing to do, and i was unusually exhausted! so i put my head down and i said ill just rest but i really fell asleep, i kinda noticed and i couldnt summon the energy to pick up my head and say "have a nice day!" i really couldnt pick up my head, i couldnt even open my eyes i was too burnt out i dont know what. but with one final push i picked myself up! so now as im sitting here i decided to right to yall.
so what am i driving at?
good question im not really sure...just joking. i realized that though we spend most of our lives "Awake" meaning spiritually awake, we always want to be doing something with our lives we want to be growing, but then sometimes we jsut get tired so we decide that i'll just take a nap, ill just take a break from my grand plan to get closer with Hashem and ill take a nap and then ill be back. but once we slip and take that nap then its that much harder to get back, that nap is just so comfortable that we want to stay there. the danger of sleeping is that u are vulnernable to anything adn everything, we lose track of time and we forget where we do you know where im gettin to ? we all need to appoint ourselves a mentor, the locked door , the alarm clock.we need to make sure that if we do take a vacation(cuz we all need vacay) that we make sure that we are protected. you dont go to sleep without locking your door and if you have to go to work you dont go to sleep till you make sure that you either have an alarm clock or someone who is gooing to wake you up.are u gonna take a chance with your spirtuality? make sure that you have someone who will red flag you when you slip,. cuz thats the worse thing, cuz once you do its a slippery slide. you must have the will to stand up for the cliche~ where there is a will there is a way~ is true. if you have the razon then there is nothing stopping you and on that note,check out the following story from aish it will remind of those crazy fridays in Israel.


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