Free at last

took my last final yesterday! That means im free from talking abt the brain and the rest of teh body for that matter till JAn 5! so what am i doing with my new found freedom you may ask... well, sleeping for one thing, though not last night, cuz guess where i had to be this morning at 6..anywhose..When i was in elementary and middle school, my principal always said that torah doesnt take vacation, so we always had a learning program set up during winter break and depending on teh number of hrs you learned, you would get a prize.
Mrs. silver would say something similar, that in hebrew you could take a "nofesh" or "chofesh" the choice is what you due with your new found freedom. Taking a break is extremely important, it helps you refocus, reenergize, recharge so that you you will have the head to do that what you do all that better. i have read countless stories abt rabanim who go to the mountains for vacation.... there is always a story, but thats not the point. i think that we all have this idea that if we were really great we could spend 14 yrs in shem v'ever without sleep but thats not exactly being very realistic is it? we have to sleep, we need vacations, you need to take a rest, but that doesnt mean you have to totally turn off your brain, sit in bed all day and eat chocolate, though that does seem like a dream come true, really, how would you feel after two days of being in bed?
Gross, thats what! Go ahead, get your sleep, get your 8-10 hrs you need, but past that its really too much, at taht point you've let your yetzer hara, take over. take this time to listen to that shiur you've meant to listen to for ages, organize your room, you'll be amazed how much better doing something productive will make you feel! now, i know that not everyone has the three- week winter vacation taht i have been dreaming abt the last two weeks, but still i believe this still applies to any vacation, most of us have sundays off, and all of us have shabbat off. right now im gonna be a little hypocritical cuz i sleep at least 3hrs shabbat afternoon, but really what is shabbat abt? i just was having this conversation last friday night, i was at a meal, and this girl was saying that she hadnt had time to read her magazines cuz she was so busy studying and now that it was shabbat she had time to read them ( they were not of the hamodia variety if ya know what i mean) i mentioned taht shabbat isnt really the time for such an activity, that isnt what the mitzva of zachor ve'shamor is referring to, so her brother asked "what is the point of shabbat?"
i retorted back without thinking that it is a day of physical rest so we can spiritually, rejuvinate and recharge and connect to Hashem in a way taht we cant during teh week. on Shabbat we have an extra cheerleader on our side- the neshama yesaira(yetaira) .we have this extra level of neshama to help us combat the yetzer hara, that we dont have during the week, not really the yezer hara but the lowest part of our neshama( i believe its teh nefesh but i dont really have teh resources in ladies workout express to check it up) the part of us that is responsible for our physical survival, makes sure we eat and sleep, but sometimes it gets carried away, and now on shabbat we have the extra ability the extra strength to combat that and connect to Hashem. so what are you gonna do with your break?


  1. IN Sharei Bina in Tzfat - my friend was telling me all inspired "we try not to sleep at all on Shabbat! i mean how can you give up even one second that we have our neshama yeseira!" lol though that was very 'cute' and smart! As much as we should use Shabbos to sleep and physically rest...i think its important that we also remember the deeper meanings of Shabbat! ;)

  2. IN Sharei Bina in Tzfat - my friend was telling me all inspired "we try not to sleep at all on Shabbat! i mean how can you give up even one second that we have our neshama yeseira!" lol though that was very 'cute' and smart! As much as we should use Shabbos to sleep and physically rest...i think its important that we also remember the deeper meanings of Shabbat! ;)


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