Getting Stuck

This week was chock full of  stories! One is a recurring story, the other hopefully a once in a lifetime! idont think i told you this when it happened for teh first time lstyr. i started wearing boots because it has become cold and whats agirl to do right? so i put on my boots and teh pully thingy on myzipper broke off,big deal right? so whatever its friday, i go on withmy business, then i come flying into teh dorm abt .5 hr beforeshabbat planning on my regular routine and as im grabbing off myboots, one come off but the other is stuck! so i sit there trying topull it off, but it gets stuck at my ankle, so one by one all myfellow moresheters take turns trying to pull the darn thing off ofme. finally one of my BS girls come to my rescue- (you know who youare ) and with a safety pin pulls off my boot.
so now, everytime iwanna take on and off my boots, i need a safetypin handy. so now tahtwinter has come, the same is true, i always need to have this story: i was leaving my HS where i teach gym BTW, andone of the other teachers needed help jumpimg his car, so prob righti have a few mins b4 i have to leave for school. so fine we jump thecar, im all excited that i learned how and i make all the lights tomarta, and i get a great parking spot on teh first floor and as igrab my stuff and close the door, i hear a beeping, look back intoteh car and see taht i have locked my keys into my car- they werestill in the ignition.B'H i had my phone so i called my dearest mother and she cameover ASAP and saved me, all in all i got to school only five minuteslate, not bad i think, bcz B'H as soon as i got into marta my traincame! yay!So now ill give you a few minutes to see if u can find anythingthat i could say abt these stories and if its not the same as mineplease post- we should hear all teh possible lessons that can belearned from the craziness taht is my life! So here is what imthinking; sometimes we get stuck, we are in a rut, cant go anywereeveryday is teh same as before, we are doing teh same things rightand the same things wrong. we get stuck and we cant get out, we cantmove on, but sometimes the solution is very simple.
All it maytake is a single safety pin that u use over adn over again( this canbe both meterphorically or literally, u figure it out!) to get youunstuck and moving again. but the safety pin isnt enuf. u definatelyneed more! i've said this over and over again, and im sure that imnot the only one- you need to have someone to call that will alwaysbe there for you to help you moving- to unlock your car and send u onyour way. and dont forget the beeping. the newer teh car, the morebeeping noises it makes when you are doing something that isntlawful, whether its unbuckling when the car is in motion, or openingteh door when teh car is still in drive( my car wont open, or evenunlock if u try to do that)we all have that safety alarm inside us, the sound of ourneshama, teh neshama knows whats good for it and what isnt. it trysto tell us, but we dont listen, we tune out, too busy with our livesto hear it, but then as soon as we slam the door closed, as soon asdone, then we remember, only then do we process what our neshama hasbeen trying to tell us the whole time! we just didnt care at thetime, but then at that moment after you shut teh door with teh keysin the ignition, all the allusions come crashing down, all tehexcuses and rationalizations that you made fall and u are leftstanding there , forgive the expression, like an idiot.
RabbiGeisler once said something that i'll always remember:
on yom kippurwe shoulldnt say "guilty, guilty, guilty" we should say "stupid,stupid, stupid" and that really rung true with me, we all know whatwe are doing, but we dont seem to really realize the gravity of thesituation till yom kippur comes around, and we say 'u nesanehtokef'so take that safety pin with you so u dont get stuck, and if youdont hear the beeping then you better make sure that u have someonewho will unlock you and get you moving!shabbat shalom(hey all theteachers out there did i do a good job recapping


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