Happy landing

I've landed back to the normal life, i landed yesterday, went to a party,went to bed at 1:45 and woke up at 5:30, sounds like the girl we all know and love right? anywhose... i flew last week so you know what that means, yup! story time, now gather around children, there was once a young girl who was notorious for bad flight stories and as she left to NJ early one wednesday morning (6am to be exact) it was no different. Baruch Hashem the flight was on time, but that was as far as her good luck went! we were in the air getting ready to land in the illustrious newark airport, but alas we had to turn around for there was no where for our esteemed aircraft to land, so we headed back south to enjoy some southern hospitality in richmond,va to reload on gas and then turned once again to the north as we finally landed at 12:45 (we took off at 8:15 and its a two hour flight for those new yorkers who dont know geography -joking-sorta)
fine we get off the plane i was in the last row after switching seats with my friend and we gather our stuff and head towards baggage claim, my suitcase was one of the first to come out, and my friend said - so do we haveall our stuff at that point i look around and notice that i DO NOT HAVE MY CARRY ON! i in my infinite wisdom, had forgotten to carry off my carry on, so i naturally ran to the airtan desk and told the lady-after standing in line mind u, that i had left my suitcase on, so she called the plane, she asked me what color it was, and my being a true, bc girl , yup it was black, they are looking by my seat, once again, what color is it, black i repeated, oh yeah, i say it has a pinkish ribbon on the handle, after about twenty mins later"oh does it have a pink ribbon on it?" yup, she printed me a gate pass and i was on my way, but yep, you are probably smacking your heads as you anticiapte teh next part, i had to go through security, take off my shoes again...etc!
finally i got my luggage and got back to my friend who was waiting. So whats the lesson this week, im actually not sure i was hoping that as i was typing something would come to me, but i was too busy getting all teh juicy details, that i didnt have a chance give me a sec NOW TIME FOR A COMMERCIAL BREAK WE WILL BEBACK WITH TEH REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAMMING IN A MOMENT!
ANd im back with abt ten minutes before i have to outta here, so here it goes, this is a concept that i hit on before, we flew to newark - that was our destinationm but when we got there it wasnt the correct time, it was physically impossible to land at the airport at taht time, we could have landed on some patch of field somewhere but that would have been totally useless, we would never get actually to where we had to, though it would seem that since it would be closer than going to richmond but it wouldnt be really constructive. but it was all going so right but then we hit the snag, we all came to the airport on time did everything right but alas things did not go teh way we wanted it to, in other words we did all the correct hishtadlus, but it still didnt turn out the way we wanted it to, and then we think taht maybe we shoudl land anyway, settle for second best but that may just take you father away from your goal, than u ever intended!
Sometimes teh timing is just not right, we are doing everthing right (in our eyes) but we dont see everything and its just not when its supposed to happen, so we have to turn back, to a safeport, reload and then once we have strengthend ourselves properly, tehn we can head backl out to our desired location and maybe this time the plane before will have taken off and you will be able to land. We set goals for ourselves, preparing our selves for the murky waters that exist outside our daled amos(or maybe within them) and then when we think that our wings our finally strong enuf to test, we wait and wait for the opportrunity to prove to ourselves and teh world (and of course HAShem) taht we are ready, but G-d wants us to take a step back and maybe refuel, maybe we arent ready to land yet....Just to put you out of your misery and know ya'll are dying to know what happened on the way back- u ready its a good one- ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! when i told my friend that she replied - see G-d loves you but you know what, i think all the stories are a hallmark of His love for me, what would my life be without them?-Happy landing!


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